1.3|| Stay For Me.

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Liah's head was pounding. She felt like her head was gonna explode, with the memories of the night before. The feeling of hands crawled over Daliah's body, not in a bad way. The echo of Billie's voice laced her mind heavily, almost putting her in a trance.

Liah watched Mal's facial expressions as she went over what happened. The details Malarie persuaded out of her, was the most vulnerable Liah let herself be around Mal.

"You slept with her!" Mal said loudly, making Liah panic, and turn down her volume from how loud she was.

"Okay, can you not say it so loud? i don't see why it matters... but yeah" She huffed and turned her volume back up again.

Liah made a rule for herself that she would never kiss and tell, especially since she moved schools. She was secretive anyways as is, so to her it was more of her mysterious appeal to others. Granted both the girls and boys found themselves drawn to her appeal, having that aura about her. She never flaunted her sexuality, the most she did was put her pronouns in her social media bio.

She never seemed to watermark anything good or bad about her. Liah would always put a happy face on even when she was going through a lot with her personal life. The few things that didn't change about her was her love for Billie, and staying quiet. Billie became an out of reach dream that even she stopped chasing after a year.

"What, I can't help it. You have a social life now. You're growing and i can't see it." She sighed and turned her camera off when going off the video screen.

"I was always friends with one of my old friends. Billie has her own friends, Zoe and Drew are the most i hear about. Skylar I met maybe a month ago. I'm not growing, I'm just... socializing." Liah tried convincing her that she wasn't changing but even she knew that was a lie. She was going back to how she used to be, just till a wallflower.

"No... you're going back to how you were when i met you, you're going back to being a californian."

"I was always one, at heart at least. Two years in Maine doesn't mean that's my home." Her voice became softer, hearing Malaries voice being laced with slight anger.

"Fuck California. I didn't like you, I liked the you that was here!" Mal spat at turned her camera back when she came back onto the screen.

"We'll, I'm not the girl you knew, Maine didn't feel like home and I left my whole life behind . My school, family, friends!" She started to seeth with both sadness and anger that the both were arguing over practically nothing. "Billie was the only reason I only had occasional hookups, and yet you never understood. You never knew anything about my life in L.A. and you still don't." Liah clicked the red button to hangup the call. She threw her phone against the wall and groaned loudly. Sad she let her emotions take over, and already regretted her words.

I never understood why she was so upset with me when I had hookups or even tried to talk about my life here. Honestly, she made me feel at home just like Billie did. Comparing the two isn't probably the greatest thing but i can't help it. They match in persistence and loyalty, they'd do anything for you, till it killed them.

"Daliah?!" The dad pounded his fists on the door till he finally opened the door. He saw his daughter's phone cracked in many places and Liah on the floor by her bed.

"I'm fine Daddy. Just got a little aggravated that's all. I'm really sorry... i'll pay for it, if it's broken." She forced smile at him. He kneeled down next to her, clearly seeing something was wrong.

"You scared me, i thought you were hurt. You shouldn't be throwing things. You'll break something." He picked up her phone up and handed it to her, making her laugh slightly.

"I'm really sorry." She took her phone from her dad and looked it over. Only seeing two cracks in the tempered glass screen saver.

"If you come downstairs, i'll make you lunch?" He stood back up and helped her up off the floor. Nodding, Liah stared at her fractured screen. She felt exhausted, not knowing how to handle her emotions anymore, she could feel a dark matter forming in her already.

she hated the dark matter.


12:43 AM

"Don't cry. I hate when you cry." Billie pulled Liah close to her body in the moment she stepped foot in the front door.

I called her in the middle of the night, I couldn't stand to be alone in my parents house.

After what happened this morning, I couldn't really stand to even be in my room without my mom there.

When Billie picked up her phone she knew something was wrong, she knew i seemed off which she always seemed to be so spot on about.

I was always worried she'd always put me first whether we be together or not.

"We fight all the time but she's always the first to apologize. She hasn't even texted in the group chat after what happened. What if she hates me." Liah choked and took the back of her hands, which were covered up by her jacket sleeves. Wiping her eyes looking at Billie, showing a side of her she's seen a few times before.

"She doesn't hate you. She'd be dumb to hate someone like you Liah. You both said things and you both need time to comprehend them okay?." Holding her against her tired and warm body she could feel Liah's body shake with each time she deeply inhaled.

She let me cry into her, till I eventually stopped.

I think i fell asleep, that's all. She could feel something was off by how I would breath sometimes.

Just by the way she looks at me I can see someone under her skin.

Maybe her ex? Did Skylar give her an earful over the phone?

No, I would have heard from her about it first. I can't pin point it.

"I need you to stay okay for me, okay?" Billie murmured and laid Liah's sleeping body down beside her, and covered her up. Liah wasn't fully asleep yet so she was conscious enough to hear her.

Stay? What did she mean. What does she mean...

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