1.5 || A Music Room

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Liah woke up to a note taped to the screen of her phone that was on the floor. She took the note off her screen which was now turned on by her raising it.

'There's take-out that Finn and mom got today. I had to go. I'll call later, I promise.'  -Bil

Read the note, she folded the small paper and put it on the floor next to her bag, which is where her phone was. She laid back down staring at the ceiling of Billie's room. A few days ago she called her parents saying she was staying with Billie, and that she would be home soon.

She never knew what Billie and Finneas did that took hours to do. Liah never got a text or a call from either of them in that time, which didn't bother her. Not minding and minding where she went ate her up inside, making her feel like Billie didn't trust her enough to tell her. Whenever she did mention it, Billie would become so scattered and flustered by the thought of answering. Liah stopped asking after the first month of actually dating Billie again.

Liah sighed and sat up putting her hair up in the hair tie she had around her wrist. Getting out of the bed she changed into a shirt of Billie's and picked up the laundry spontaneously thrown around the room. She quickly took up the role of doing Billie's laundry when she didn't, which she never really liked doing but Liah made up for it. Passing the small little room packed of stuff Liah's never seen in Finneas's she stopped in her tracks and put the clothes down going inside.

She saw a big screened computer and a synthesizer, keyboard, production consoles, a microphone and alot more things she didn't know names for. A black notebook was sitting in the chair in front of the compute along with a song book on the bed that had finneas's handwriting on the cover. Liah was confused by all of it, she knew the family as all musically talented but no one ever mentioned a small makeshift music studio in the house.

"Liah?" Maggie yelled after the door to the back porch closed.

"Morning!" Liah left the room cracking the door like it was before she entered and picked up the clothes on the floor, going to her voice. "I just woke up and i'm doing Bils laundry. Where is everyone?"

"They went to get proper groceries for the week, and you know you don't have too. She'll get tired picking them off her floor and eventually do them you know that Liah." She followed her outside and watched her separate them.

"I don't mind, really. I used to do it all the time for my brother, plus it saves you from doing them for her. I'm not fully sure she actually knows how to do her clothes without shrinking them." She laughed to herself and put what needed to be in the machine, from detergent to small fragrance beads maggie used.

"If you say so." Maggie watched her smiling at the young lady. She started to mess with her nails and looked back up to her. " Did she tell you that a girl stopped by the other day asking about you?"

"No. No she didn't ever mention it to me at all." she got taken off guard while pulling the lid down and putting in the proper setting. Once she got the right ones she looked at her. "Was her name Skylar or was it someone else?" She asked like she knew anyone else.

"I think that was her name. All i know is that she looked upset when she came back inside. I know it's not my place but you would tell me if there was anything bad happening between you two right? With you and that skylar girl?" Maggie looked at her like how Skylar looked at Billie. She looked hopeful, depending on the next words that were gonna come out of her mouth we good ones.

"Would you tell me if billie were cheating on me with Zoe or drew?" Turning the question perspective on her, Maggie nodded her head yes. "I would never hurt Billie, intentionally that is."

Hurt by what she asked her, Liah walked away and back to Billie's room looking around at what she could do. Picking up the few things that didn't belong on the floor, not that she lived overly messy just unorganised at times. She sat on the floor with her phone in her hand and scrolled on her socials bored out of her mind already.

Her stalker instincts kicked in by her boredom and stalked Billie's account that she had. Her feed was just like normal, like it was for the past two years; not that she looked at it much after moving. Bored within seconds of doing that she refreshed the app seeing a sponsored ad, Billie's face with a small venue of people singing in the background.

Liah registered what she was looking at and quickly got up off the floor almost falling. Running out of the room to Maggie who was eating something in a container that she made. Maggie looked at her stunned and confused by how fast she appeared

"What? What happened?" Looking confused at her she saw her phone in her hand.

"They sing?!"


"You never told me that she sings? I was on my instagram account and just refreshed the feed to see she has a tour coming out?"

"Liah i-"

"What are we talking about?" Finneas carried bags from the door to the kitchen. He watched his mom click the lid onto a container, and looked at Liah.

"you - you and her, why are you keeping stuff from me?"

"We are not keeping anything from you." Maggie looked at finneas who had already put the paper bags on the counter.

"What are you talking about?" Finneas looked at her confused and leaned on his hand on the counter.

"Hey you're awake! I thought I'd have to wake you up." Billie came in with two more bags and put them next to the ones Finneas put down. "What's wrong you look pissed-"

"You have an album, a tour, and a fanbase. I am pissed cause you didn't tell me. I know im probably overreacting but fucking hell— what else are you keeping from me."

The room fell silent, the type of silent nobody ever really likes silent. You could hear Patrick cursing cause a bag tore in the back of his car, that's how quiet it became. Finneas looked at Billie, Billie looked at him and then her mom then at Liah.

She had something to tell me. She just didn't want too

"Nothing Liah. i promise you, if i was these two-" She pointed at her mom and brother. "They would know about it. This is it."

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