Chapter 24

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ARNAV came down the stairs and saw the entire Raizada family, including mamaji and mamiji seated in the living room in deep discussion. They fell silent the moment they saw him.

'Bhai!' Akash exclaimed. 'Weren't you supposed to be back tomorrow?'

'I came in a day early.' He replied tersely.

Naniji got up and came up to him. 'Khushi didn't come back home yesterday night Chotte,' she said lines of concern creasing her forehead. 'I assumed that she had gone to her parents' house. I found out this morning that she is not there. I was worried and called Akash as I didn't know how to reach you.'

The doorbell rang and the Garima walked in along with Buaji 'Why did you call us Arnav bitwa?' she asked worriedly. 'Is everything alright?'

'Khushi is missing since yesterday Amma,' Payal informed her with a low voice.

'Bhai, do you think we should call the police?' Akash asked.

'No Akash, we don't need to.' Arnav said to everyone's surprise.

'Thank God you know where she is!' Naniji exclaimed with relief.

'No Nani I don't,' he said looking at Garima intently. 'But I am sure her mother does.' His mother-in-law needed to answer a few pertinent questions.

'What are you saying Arnav bitwa?' Garima said with shock.

Arnav gave her the letter and once she finished reading it, tears started rolling down her cheeks. Garima was silent. Buaji snatched the letter from Garima and read through it.

'I knew this was going to happen!' She exclaimed emphatically. She looked at Arnav scornfully. 'Didn't I tell you this girl had bad blood on the day of your wedding? That day you defended her saying it was the bring up that was important. Now look what she has done.'

'Jiji please be quiet!' Garima begged.

'No, I am not going to be quiet today,' Buaji retorted. She looked at Arnav. 'Five years ago this shameless girl cavorts with you and your mother gave us a good dressing down for that.

'She came home and insulted my brother and sister-in-law about Khushi's bring up. She said Khushi had set a trap for her son because he was rich. She also said she was not a fool like her brother who had got his son married to Payal. She wanted to get you married to a girl of your level --Lavanya Kashyap .'

Arnav looked at Garima his eyes burning with and his heart filled with dread. 'Is it true aunty?'

'Yes,' she whispered in anguish. 'Your mother -- warned Khushi to stay away from you.'

'When was this?'

'On the morning of Akash and Payal's wedding day.'

The day of Akash and Payal's wedding flashed before his eyes. She had ignored him the entire day, had got into an argument with him later, under the stairs and had refused to talk to him all through the wedding in the evening. Khushi seemed to have changed overnight.

'These people are lying saale saab!' Shyam exclaimed suddenly. 'How can they accuse mother-in-law like that? Especially now, when she is no more? Can she come and defend herself?

'They are trying to cover up for their wanton daughter's behaviour. She must have done all this for money.'

Arnav's eyes darkened at Shyam's insinuation about Khushi, and was also a little surprised by his outcry. He was the last person he had expected to speak up in support of his mother. How much did he even know her?

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