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ARNAV Singh Raizada sat looking out the window of the bus that would take him to Dehradun. As the narrow winding roads, lined with beautiful lush landscape of the mountainous region emerged mile after mile, he stared listlessly listening into his walkman.He looked around the bus to see honeymoon couples cuddling up to each other, families with kids giving them a hard time, older people dozing in their seats. So that was what people called normal life. He didn't feel like he belonged here. Or anywhere, for the matter of fact. It was good, in way. There was no point, really, in attaching oneself to a place, person or thing. Being detached was the best way to be. His journey had begun from Mangalore, where he had completed two years of degree in engineering from Manipal University and was going to Dehradun to meet his Nani who wanted to spend some quality time with her grandchildren. Akash and Anjali had reached there a couple of days ago and Nani had absolutely insisted that he make it to this vacation, probably afraid, that his sister and he would drift apart the way his parents had. He only hoped he wouldn't get into any unpleasant conversations with his sister. Anjali, a psychology major in addition to being three years his senior, had seen some good times in their parents' marriage and had the tendency to justify some of their father's actions for which he had absolutely no patience for. He hated his father. He could never think well of the man who had given his mother so much pain.But he would change all that. Next month, he was off to the United States to complete the rest of his course. Once he had a good job in his hands he would take care of his mother the way she deserved.

The car stopped in front of his Nani's two-storied, majestic, white bungalow. In the front of the building was a lush garden with a huge sprawling lawn, bright colored petunias, daisies and gerberas adorning parts of it. But he was oblivious of it. His attention was arrested by a figure in white twirling about in the balcony.Beautiful.

He had only thought that in his mind but suddenly, she stopped and turned around as though she had heard him. Arnav's heart raced like a bullet train as he struggled to get out of his comforter that had enveloped him like vices, his mind in grip of his usual nightmare.

You have never treated me the way I deserve

Your expectations are too high....

And yours are too low

A woman like you can never be satisfied with anything

It's useless talking to a man who can never let go of his past

Stop it!


Then in the middle of this conundrum he heard the soft tinkling of anklets and his heart began to calm down. He heard a knock on the door.

'Arnavji?'He sat upon his bed to find the girl from the balcony – Khushi -- standing at the door with a cup of hot steaming liquid in her hand. 'I brought some tea for you.' A strand of hair fell across one of her huge doe like eyes. Her cheeks and lips were naturally rosy standing out in stark contrast to her pearly skin.

'Sure.' His brown eyes were dazed with sleep. He paused. 'Thanks.'

'This will help you get rid of your headache.' She said as she walked up to him and handed over his tea, tucking her hair behind her ear.

What the f@#$! How did she know that he had a headache? 'How do you know I have a headache?'

'I ___' She just stared at him with her wide eyes unable to continue. 'Anjaliji said that you should be ready by nine o clock.'

She was about to turn back when he stopped her. 'What's the time now?'

'It's eight thirty.'

'F@#$!' It was too late to bite back the expletive but she seemed unfazed. 'What's the big hurry for?'

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