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It is time for out break in the dorm. The classroom was quiet until a knock on the door was heard, revealing a staff. "Class C and D are combined in one dorm. Both girls and boys are seperated," she announced.

Everyone darted their heads to the staff. "Please follow me," the staff beckoned us outside through the hallway. It was a little crowded. Trainees exiting their classes heading towards their dorms accordingly.

The staff lead us to a door along with four other girls excluding me. "Here is your dorm. Take your time and head to class at seven," she open the door and let us enter the room.

"Thank you," I bowed at her then enter the room along with the other girls behind me. I quietly observe around the place, it isn't as bad as I expected.

"Let's study Y/n!" Jia exclaimed as she take her bag from the ground. I stared at her confusingly, "I didn't bring my belongings with me."

"Here, do you need some Korean books?" She handed me some books from her bag. "No thanks, this is enough," I let out a smile.

I look around and saw everyone with their bags, taking out their books to study themselves. "You didn't bring them with you?" Jia asked.

"No, I didn't know about it," I shake my head slightly. "You should inform the staff or manager. We have brought our clothes, phone and other important items," she place her phone on the table as she advised.

"Hello! Are you two from class C?" A younger girl approached. "Yep!" Jia answered.

"In that case, nice to meet you! My name is Lee Suhyee and I'm fifteen years old," she slightly bowed as she introduced herself. "You must be from class D. Very talented indeed you are," Jia conplimented, earning a giggle from Suhyee. "Thank you."

"Is the other girl from your class?" Jia asked her. "Yeah, she is very quiet," Suhyee remarked as she seat herself next to Jia.

"We have five in our room. Yui, Suhyee, Jia, the quiet girl and I," I mumbled at myself.

The session was very quiet as everyone are focussed on their books. Until the clock hits at seven, Yui informed everyone and beckon us outside. The hallways are filled by trainees, all heading towards their classes.

The five girls including me enter our respective practice rooms. Yui, Jia and I combined with the two boys in the same practice room. We waited inside for the teacher to start the session, but instead a staff came inside for an unexpected announcement.

"We apolagize. The singing teacher is unavailable and the other teachers are busy with the other classes at the moment."

"Can we self practice at the meantime?" Yui questioned the staff. "Of course. Please do not exit the room unless you are permitted," with that, the staff left the room.

"That was unfortunate," Songkyu remarked.

Afterwards, an awkward silence hit the atmosphere. Since no one dared to speak, I decided to break the silence. "Shall we-" I was cut off by the knock of the door. Then, it opened revealing an unexpected visitor.

"Here," Taeyong froze when he saw some unfamiliar people until his eyes landed on me. "What?" He dart his head to look at the members behind him.

Renjun's head was seen and we stared at each other. His eyes widen, "Y/n? Why are you-" He was cut off my Jeno's hand on his mouth, preventing him from continuing his sentence.

"Who are they?" Taesung cluelessly asked. Yui was in complete shock then she fainted on the ground. Jia immediately rush to prevent her head from hitting the ground.

"NCT?" Songkyu tilted his head in uncertainity.

"No one told us that this room is occupied. The teacher told us to stay here," Jaehyun sighed.

Then Jia observed Renjun and I in curiosity. "How did he know you? Why do you two look alike?"

Destiny - Park Jisung FFWhere stories live. Discover now