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"Thank you teacher," I bowed at him then walked outside.

"Do you know the restroom?" The girl asked, she is around my age. "Yes, follow me," I beckoned her.

"How do you know?" She asked.

Is it just me or why is everyone so curious about me? And this girl is lowkey annoying.

"Oh, I've been to the restroom before," I gave her a forced smile. Well atleast I'm not lying.

After getting down into the toilet business, I head to the wastafel to wash my hands. "Well, hello my name is Park Yui," she introduced.

"My name is Huang Y/n, nice to meet you!" I dried my hands with some paper towel and flashed a smile at her. Just trying to be kind to others.

"You look familiar," she remarked. Hopefully, she wouldn't notice.

"Okay, we should go back," I changed the topic and hopefully she wouldn't mind. "Are you a k-pop fan?" She asked.

I stopped my pace then think, I have to say something. Otherwise it will be more suspicious. I think I should say yes...

"Uh, I'm an reveluv," I responded. That wouldn't hurt, right?

"Oh, I'm an NCTzen, Blink and EXO-L," she smiled cheerfully.

This ain't good.

"Hi Y/n!" Luhan made a sudden approach.

*Internally screaming*
Don't panic, don't panic.

"Uh someone is calling you, and why are you so nervous?" She wondered. I exhaled then glance at Luhan. "You can head back to class first. I have to talk to him, he is a friend of mine," I told her.

"Wait isn't that-" Yui widen her eyes in realization then I darted my eyes on Luhan. Luckily, he wasn't there anymore.


"Isn't that Luhan? How did he know you?" She excitedly asked. "No, I don't know him. Perhaps he got the wrong person who has my name," I reasoned.

"Okay but he just walked pass me, I-" Her mouth gaped, speechless.

"We should go now, the teacher will scold us," I informed her. Then we head through the hallway towards class.


06.00 P.M.

"You all can have your meal. Please head to the cafeteria, afterwards return to your respective dorms. A paper will be distributed to all of you," the teacher announced.

"Y/n, wanna eat with us?" Jia offered with her friends. "Oh Yui, you know her?" I spotted Yui behind her.

"Yep! Because we both are in the same fandom so we talked before class just now," She briefly explained.

"Okay, sure!" Then, I follow them to the cafeteria and take our meals that is provided by them.

"We should take the seat there," Jia pointed then we followed her there.

I seat myself on an empty seat. Then there are some boys sitting behind us. "Hi, which category are you at?" One of them asked. I turn around and speak, "I'm at singing."

"Aren't you the one in class C? Well, nice to meet you, I'm in class C as well," he let out a friendly smile. "Hello, I'm his friend. I'm at the dancing category," he introduced. They all look friendly and younger than me.

"How old are you? If you don't mind," I asked them.

"I'm 17, he is 18," he pointed to his friend. "How about you?"

"I'm 19," I responded.

"Oh, hello noona!"

"Are you Korean?" One of them asked. "Nope, I'm Chinese. Are there many foreigners here?" I curiously asked.

"Not much, if I'm not mistaken there are three other people from singing and seven out of twenty five in dancing."

Destiny - Park Jisung FFWhere stories live. Discover now