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As some chatting are heard from outside, I knock on the door twice and open the door. "Why did you left me in the clinic?" I pouted.

"It's not me," Renjun pointed at Haechan. "Then why did you left me and come with him?"

"Awh sorry sis, but I-" Renjun was cut off by the burst from the door. "Y/n, I want to talk for a moment," Lay showed up. "Okay," I followed him outside. Then, he pull my hand further away into the hallways.

He stopped his pace. "What is it?" I asked him. "I want to conffess, I like you," he cooed. I sighed then speak, "I'm sorry Lay, I can't. I don't have the same feeling for you."

Meanwhile, Jisung seems to be eavesdropping behind the wall. He followed them earlier, excusing himself for the restroom to the members.

He lay his back on the wall, sighed in relief that she declined his conffession. Now Jisung understand what is going on with him, why his heart throbbed when she is around — he is in love with her.

Without noticing, I walked towards his direction and saw Jisung. Our eyes met for awhile then I decided to walk away.

I feel bad, but I have someone who I love. Not Lay.



The sky starts to darken as I head towards my apartment. Subsequently, I saw a conventional store.

Hmm, tteokbokki.

I decided to stop by for awhile. Instant tteokbokki and ramen noodles, I paid them in the cash register.

Afterwards, I proceed to the apartment with the packs of food on my arms. I entered the room then place the items on the kitchen counter.

*Ding Dong*

I just arrived!

I rolled my eyes then answer the door. "Hello Y/n! Renjun is practicing right now and he requested to give you this," a staff hand me a paper bag. "Ah thank you!" I slightly bowed at her.

"No problem! He saw you walking out from the building so he thought that your going home," she explained then walked away. I take a peek in the paper bag then close the door.

I take my phone and texted Renjun

Y/n :
Thank you for the gift!
I thought we don't have any occasions today though.

I left my phone on the counter then open the bag. A shiny object caught my eye. I pull it out, revealing a necklase.

Destiny - Park Jisung FFWhere stories live. Discover now