Kakashi - Training

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Heyyyyy thanks for clicking and reading. It's been a while since I've written stuff like this but I'm just writing for fun. Feel free to suggest any topics/scenarios you'd wanna read and any characters. Thanks again, I hope you enjoy! :)

The sun was a pale yellow, grazing upon it's highest point in the sky. It wasn't too hot, but I was working on shuriken throwing which caused me to break a little sweat. I could feel a familiar chakra and turned my head to the right to see Kakashi gazing in my direction. His stare was like a second sun, causing my cheeks to burn as I blushed from the sight of him. His silver hair glistened and resembled the metal plate wrapped loosely around his forehead that fell over his eye.

"Ahhh training hard, as usual. You're getting quite better." Walking over, he motioned to the target where four of my shuriken buried themselves into the wood. He stood close to where I was to examine more from where I was positioned.

"Thank you, Kakashi senpai." I looked him in his eye and smiled. I wish I could see under the mask that he never takes off. "Would you like to join me in training? I think I could use a little challenge" I smirked. To be honest, Kakashi was such an intriguing person. So mysterious and unpredictable, but caring and strong.

"Hmmm sounds interesting. How about I observe you for a bit and think about it." My eyes widened and I looked away from him to the target I was practicing on before. He could still see me blush lightly, but that's just what he had planned for.

"C'mon, please Kakashi senpai." I knew it would be even more difficult for me to train if he was watching me rather than training with me. His gaze is so powerful and captivating and I wouldn't be able to get it out of my head.

"Fine, but be prepared" he gave in. I grinned and we began to spar. Taijutsu was a strength of mine. I blocked most of his punches, keeping up and getting some punches in as well. We continued for a while until we couldn't catch our breath. I went for one last punch with my right hand but he caught it with his left hand and turned me around so my back was to him. He pulled my body close to his and put his right hand to my neck, mimicking as if it was a kunai. His body pressed against my back, the top of my head just reaching his chin.

"I win" he deeply mumbled, leaning his head down to whisper in my ear. The cloth from his mask gently grazed my ear and I could feel his smirk. My heart began to pound even faster. He loosened his grip on me and I turned around to meet his stare. It was so raw and made me feel so vulnerable. It was as if he saw through me, knew my thoughts and my feelings and could completely read everything about me.

"I guess we just have to keep training together so I can beat you." I smirked back, our faces only a foot away from each other. He looked a little stunned at my words. Two can play at that game. I stepped back to a reasonable distance so I could see him fully. He chuckled and nodded.

"Well I have to go see Lady Tsunade for a mission. I'll see you around soon. Keep up the good work." He stretched his arms as he spoke. His arm muscles flexed above his head, tightening the long sleeve cloth around them.

"Good luck." I smiled. He tilted his head slightly to the left as he smiled back, his cheek pushing his eye upward. He turned around and waved. I went back where I was throwing shuriken and continued to train for a bit until the sun became a warm golden orange. I grabbed all my stuff and began to walk home.

Ever since I met Kakashi, his presence always kept me on edge but in a good way. My heart would start to race as fast as my thoughts of him. We met on a mission a while back. I had just become a chunin and we were assigned to deliver a scroll to the Land of Wind. Everything went smooth, especially between Kakashi and I. The mission was a priority of course, but at night when we would rest, we stayed up talking about the village and life as shinobi. He asked quite a few questions and got to know me pretty well. He didn't uncover a lot about himself, but that's just the kind of guy he is.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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