Part 33

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Black Sheep knew better than to be in the gym especially when class when in session but she heard Coach Brunt yelling and she couldn't resist. It was always really funny to hear what insults she was throwing at the operatives for what ever dumb thing they had did. It was better than any cartoon that was for sure. She wondered what exactly it was about this time.

Maybe someone just not following directions, but probably not Coach Brunt had 5 different yells. One was so you could hear her, one was to get the operatives moving, one was when they screwed up. Then the one when they really screwed up, and then when she herself screwed up. To most people, they sounded the same but if you listened closely you could hear the difference.

"You are by far the laziest recruits this island has ever seen!" Coach Brunt yelled starting into another one of her speeches that usually ends in etheir a threat, her storming out of the room, or everyone doing laps. From the sound of this, it would probably be laps, and a lot of them.

"Not only that but you are by far the stupidest!" It was hard for Black Sheep not to laugh, and to be fair Coach Brunt wasn't wrong, she had seen them do some stupid stuff. Most of the time it was because an operative had challenged or dared another one to do something stupid and also usually dangerous.  Thats why both had been prohibited. The last straw had been when an operative had gotten stuck in a vent. The cleaners had to take apart part of the vents which cause classes to be canceled for the day due to too much noise.

She had gotten to witness the incident entirely, mainly because she had been the one to give the dare. But to be fair the boy had said that anything she could do he could do better since he was older and smarter. She had proven him wrong, and in the end, the faculty was too annoyed with the operative that they didn't care who had been the one to challenge him.

She wondered what had caused Coach Brunt to be so angry, to begin with, usually, she was pretty level-headed at least around her, but when she got angry it often grew out of proportion. She could etheir laugh it off and be lenient about a mistake or be totally unfair and give a punishment that was completely unfair. Or she got so angry that she stormed out of the room and nothing happened. Or that's what it seemed, she usually did something without the person realizing it. 

The main thing that was annoying for the operatives was that she empathized they were a team so usually, if one person screwed up then everyone was punished. That was one thing she was not looking forward to when she became a student.  She opened the door as quietly as she could, just enough so that she could see what was going on.

Nothing looked broken, so that was good, for the operatives at least it would have been hilarious for her. Coach Brunt was yelling about them being lazy so it probably was just them being lazy which was not really all that fun to watch someone be yelled at about.

"Maybe if there was actual food to eat we would have the energy to do stuff." One of the operatives mumbled all of the other operatives gave her a glare, they were in for it now. 

"Well if the food is that bad maybe yall would like to cook the food yourself, we will have to move the schedule around for that to work but I'm sure yall won't mind getting up an hour earlier to make yourselves a good meal right?" All of the operatives groaned. None of them wanted less sleep and the majority of them had no idea how to cook anything.

"Then yall better stop your complaining." Coach Brunt said seeming satisfied. Black Sheep frowned, well that was boring, what's an eight year old to do but start up a little drama? Let's see she could always say something, and Coach Brunt would think one of the operatives had said it, but that also risked her getting caught. Thankfully she didn't have to do anything.

"You know one reason the food doesn't taste good is because it takes too long to clean dishes, I bet if yall help the cleaners out they would be willing to make you some better food. They do so much for you filthy animals I think it's high time you did something for them. All of you can help clean the dishes for the week, and I want them sparkling you here?" A chorus of groans erupted from the room, it wasn't like they had a choice in the matter.

"Quit your complaining."

"This sucks." One of the operatives mumbled.

"You know what else sucks? Laps."

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