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Finn:(knocks at the door)

Carole:(opens the door)Hello

Finn:Hey mom

Quinn:Hello Carole

Carole:Come in sit down the food is almost ready

Finn:(walks in with Christopher)

Quinn:(walks in)


Finn:Hey dude what's up

Blaine:I'm good

Finn:Have you got a chance to hold Christopher yet


Finn:Ill give him to you (sets the carrier down and pulls Christopher out)

Quinn:I'm gonna go sit down (sits down on the couch)

Finn:(gives Christopher to Blaine and sits next to Quinn)

Blaine:He's so cute

Quinn:I would say thanks but he looks more like Finn


Quinn:(leans her head on Finn)

Finn:(wraps his arm around her)

Burt:Kids Dinner is ready

Everyone:(sits at the table)

Finn:Christopher what did we learn to say today


Finn:Cmon say da da

Christopher:Dah daw


Quinn:It's so cute when he rolls it

Finn:Yeah it is

Carole:When did he start speaking

Finn:Like 4 hours ago we got him to say it for the first time

Blaine:That's cute is that his first word


Later after Dinner after Fuinn is done feeding Christopher a bottle on the couch:

Finn:Can you stay over leave in the morning and Christopher can stay here you can go hang out with your friends

Quinn:Babe are you sure

Finn:Yes I'm sure

Quinn:It's just that.....

Finn:Quinn I'm his dad I got this

Quinn:I've been with him the first 3 months of his life

Finn:And this is my chance to make it up to you it won't cover all of the time but one day I will make it up to you

Quinn:Are you sure you can handle this

Finn:Quinn just relax he's my kid too I got this and my mom and Burt are here and they obviously have raised children before they'll help me if they need to


Carole:(walks over)Quinn it's getting late are you going home or staying over

Finn:Uhhh she's staying over tomorrow Quinn is going out with the girls and I'm watching Christopher

Carole:And you let your parents are allowing you too

Quinn:I'll just shoot them a text they won't mind

Carole:Okay bed time


30 minutes later in Finns room:

Quinn:(trying not to laugh)I love you

Finn:I love you too

Quinn:Speaking about love I was wondering when you wanted to start having sex again

Finn:Whenever your ready

Quinn:Is right now good?

Finn:My parents are up and we might wake up Christopher and we both know he's cranky like me in the mornings maybe after are date I'll get us a hotel room

Quinn:Okay I can't wait I miss it

Finn:Me too

Quinn:Remember protection as much as I love Christopher I don't want to make him a big brother just yet

Finn:Yeah me too when do you want to make him a big brother

Quinn:I don't know but I definitely want to be living together with a steady income


Quinn:(smiles)How many do you want

Finn:However much your willing to carry for 9 months


Finn:4 kids

Quinn:4 kids

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