Dont Go {~Platonic Tubboinnit~}

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teeny A/N; ok so I've added a picture of irl Tubs in this so, please pretend that in the picture he has ram-ish ears and horns, they are juts covered with his hood:} also remember; THIS IS 100000% PLATONIC!!!!


Tubbo sighed and rubbed the blonde haired boys back as he clung to his chest. "Tubbo, Tubbo please," he cried, looking at the boy with tears in his eyes. "Tommy, I have to go. My dad needs me. I'm sorry." The brunette frowned, reaching up to wipe the tallers tears away with a frown. "Tommy," he sighed, pulling the boy into another hug. "What if it happens to you too! What- what if you die, just like Wilbur and Phil!" Tommy cried into his best friends shoulder.

    "Tom, I'm not going to blow up an entire nation because an election didn't go my way and get murdered by my father or fall into a cave full of spiders and baby zombies," he reassured. Tommy cried for a little longer until pulling back and wiping his face with the green sleeves of Tubbos hoodie he was currently wearing. "Here," Tubbo sighed once more, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a golden compass connected to a chain and handed it to the blond. "It was meant to be a Christmas gift, but I think you need it now," he smiled. Tommy tossed the small item around in his hand a few times before speaking; "what is it?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

    "It's a compass! It points towards mine so you know what direction I'm in at all times!" Tubbo beamed, pausing for a moment to lift a chain out from under his suit. "Oh, Tubbo," Tommy sighed. The short boy smiled softly, taking the compass back from Tommy and gently clasping it around his neck. "Thank you, I love it." Tommy whispered and rubbed the shiny metal with his thumb. Tubbo leaned up on his toes and pressed a kiss to his best friends forehead. "I'll see you soon, Tom. I promise." "Goodbye, Tubs."
Tommy's pov:

    It's been almost two years since Tubbo left. It's been almost two years since I've seen or talked to my best friend. I sighed as my thumb ran on the smooth glass of the compass around my neck. I didn't dare look at it. I haven't in weeks. It just reminds me how far my best friend is from his home. I heard from our friend Jack that Tubbo was doing good. That he was Vice President of an actual nation called "Manburg". Can you believe that? My best friend, the Vice President of a fucking nation.

    I haven't seen Ghostbur recently, he said he was going back to the 'ghost realm' or whatever he called it to see dad. I miss dad. Maybe he would have something to say in this situation. Instead, I'm stuck living with a crown wearing, potato obsessed, orphan murdering psycho I call a brother. But I love him, and he cares for me. He always has, even if he hadn't shown it. Everyone always thought Wilbur was my favorite, that I hated Technoblade with every ounce of my being. But Techno was actually the one I looked up to the most, he just hated being praised and the idea of having a family that cared for him revolted him, so instead, Wilbur took on the title of a "role model" for me as dad would say.

    I sat at the kitchen island, Technoblade standing in front of me. "Cmon, Tommy. Just look at the compass," his eyes flicked down to the small golden ornament around my neck. Once he did so, his bright, piercing red eyes looked back up at me with a hint of worry. I sighed, and in the first time for over a year, I glanced down to see the needle of the thing start to move. Instantly, a wave of fear hit me like a truck. Why is Tubbo moving? He hasn't moved this much since he left. Is he okay? Where is he going? Oh god, is he going further and not coming back?

I looked back up to my brother with glossy eyes, panic written all over my face. He frowned slightly, walking over to my side of the island and cupping my cheeks. Techno might not have wanted a family before Phil and Wil died, but now he has nothing left to do but care for one. "I'm sure he's okay, Tommy. Alright? Tubbos strong, he'll be fine." He tried to reassure. I felt hot streaks fall down my cheeks, and before I knew it, I was wrapped in a pair of strong arms, my face buried deep into my brothers chest. I cried, I sobbed, I worried.

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