It'll All Be Alright {~Karlnap~}

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mentions ab*se and a bit of gore

  Karl rolled a small, purple coloured ball around in his hands. He was laying back in his lovers bed, starting up at the large black and orange banner which was hung on the ceiling, right above the bed. He sighed, tossing the ball to the side and sitting up. Karl turned his attention to his boyfriend who was frantically trying to finish his chemistry homework, sitting in the desk that was in the room.

    Karl let out a small giggle, watching the boy push some hair out of his eyes and quickly get back to writing. The boy stood up and walked over, leaning against the desk so he was facing the other. "Take a break, Sap. Come cuddle with me." He giggled once more. The boy — 'Sap' — sighed and looked up at him, placing the pencil down. Karl offered him a small smile and he immediately seemed to calm down a little bit.

    "I gotta finish my homework," the boy explained with a sigh. Chemistry was never his strong suit in school, therefore he had to get this homework done. Karl sighed and placed a kiss to the top of his head, walking back over and collapsing onto the bed. The older glanced over with a slight frown, sad he didn't get to spend time with his boyfriend right now.

    You see, both boys are part of different covens. Karl is part of the "Pogtopia" coven whilst Sapnap is part of the "Manburg" coven. What funny names, right? Both covens, they hate each other. So much so that the "leaders" of each coven; Dream and Wilbur had to go so far as to casting a spell onto their land which harmed members of the opposite coven if they stepped foot onto the land- that is.. if you didn't know the spell to protect yourself. But Karl did. Thanks to his boyfriend.

    Neither Karl or Sapnap got to see each other very often due to this- so they were ecstatic whenever they did and whatever time they did have together was well spent, whether it was cuddling and watching movies, practicing spells or cute little dates Sapnap would plan in his small dorm room.

    Karl looked over at the man he loved and back to his watch with a sigh. He stood up and walked over to Sapnap. "Babe, I've gotta go," Karl whispered, playing with the hair on top of his lovers head. Sapnap spun around in his chair to face him, a large frown sitting on his face. "Right now?" He asked with a pout. Karl nodded. Sapnap stood up and placed his hands onto the older boys cheeks, leading their lips together. "I love you," the younger boy whispered against Karls mouth. "I love you too. I'll try to come by tomorrow," Karl whispered, pulling away fully.

    With all said and done, Karl walked out with his phone and purple ball in his pockets. He snuck about until he had gotten outside of the school. He looked around and figured he was safe, so he stepped out from behind a tree and continued. Karl heard a noise behind him and snapped his head back, only to come face to face with two of the most dangerous members of the Manburg coven. George and Punz. Karl gulped and started speed walking backwards before quickly turning around and booking it. Before he was quick enough to dial Sapnap or Wilbur, he was pushed onto the ground with his phone a few feet in front of him.

    Karl let out a loud groan as Punz tightened the ropes around his wrists which kept him held to a wooden poll. George smirked as he fixed his glasses before balling his fist up, swinging and hitting Karl- directly in the nose, making a stream of blood trickle from his nose. I know what you're thinking, trust me. Witches and Warlocks shouldn't be able to bleed and they don't fight physically, right? Well, that's different for these two covens. Why? I'm afraid we'll never know.

    Karl let out a sob as Punz and George left the room, falling to the floor. Karls wrists were still tied to the poll tight enough to make them bleed, his knitted magenta sweater had rips and tears in it- not to mention being blood soaked as deep gashes were cut into him- and his bloody nose, eyebrow and cheek were adding to it as well. Karl was being kept in a fully glass room that stood right in the middle of the school, so everyone on their way to class could see him. But it was late on a Friday night so it would be a while before anyone found him, and he was terrified to know what would happen to him in the next few days. Would Sapnap head out of his dorm to go for a walk? He didn't know! And that terrified him. 

𝘚𝘯𝘢𝘱 𝘖𝘶𝘵 𝘖𝘧 𝘐𝘵 -𝘋𝘚𝘔𝘗 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴-Where stories live. Discover now