Wilby {~Platonic Wilbur and Tommy~}

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Short a/n:
This one will be a relatively short chapter as it is almost 1am and I have the first day of school in about 7 hours. So yeah. But I thought this was cute:)

    Tommy grimaced as he leaned back in the chair. "Do you have to call him?" He groaned, looking over at the principal who nodded. "You got into a fight. Yes, we have to call him Tom." The principal picked up the phone and dialled a number, smiling in victory as he got an answer. "Hello! I understand this is mr. Soot? I'm calling regarding one of our students Tom Soot- no, no sir. I assure you he is not harmed in any wa- I'm calling becau- Tom got into a fight and we need you to pick him up immediately. Yes, I understand. Thank you." The old man placed the phone down and smiled at Tommy. "Your brother will be here shortly." He stated before sitting behind his desk. Tommy internally groaned.

    Wilbur bursted through the door of the principals office, slamming it open. "Tom Soot what did you-" he stopped mid sentence as his eyes landed on his youngest brother who had an ice pack held to his left wrist, tears streaming down a now black eye and bloody nose. "Bloody hell! You said he wasn't harmed! He's bleeding and you didn't think to help him?!" Wilbur shouted, kneeling in front of Tommy. "Wilbur I'm-" "shut up. Save it for dad and Techno. Let's go" the brown haired boy said, standing up and helping Tommy to his feet. Glaring at the principal and secretary once more, he led the blond out to his car.

    They drove home in a comfortable silence, Tommy's sniffles being the only noise. "Dad and Techno aren't home. They're gone to help mum at the library for the day," the tall boy said as they pulled into the driveway. This led to Tommy nodding and getting out of the car, walking to the door. As he reached for the doorknob, he let out a quite high pitched squeal, grabbing his wrist and cursing out. "Tommy?" Wilbur rushed over, pushing open the door and leading his brother to the couch. He made the blond sit down so he could crouch in front of him and examine his arm. Wilbur gently took Tommy's wrist in his hands and frowned when the younger boy winced. 
    "It's okay, Tom. Where does it hurt?" Tommy pointed to the spot below his fingers and let a few tears fall from his cheeks onto Wilburs beanie. "I'll be back." And with that, Wilbur was off to the bathroom to find some sort of first aid kit. He was back in the matter of seconds, and sitting in front of Tommy as he carefully wrapped a piece of cloth around his arm. Standing up, he took an alcohol wipe and began wiping the dried blood from Tommy's nose and lips with a frown. "Oh Tommy. What are we going to do with you" he sighed, running his finger underneath the boys bruised eye socket. "Wilby it hurts" Tommy whispered, looking up at his brother. Wilbur nodded and handed the other a few pain killers along with a glass of water before sitting next to him and pulling up netflix.

    "Lord Of The Rings?" Wilbur asked, pulling Tommy to his chest. The blond nodded, yanking a blanket over them with his good hand. Wilbur pressed a soft kiss to the moon of blond hair that was slightly obstructing his view and smiled lightly. Tommy may be in shit with Kristin, Techno and Philza, but he had Wilbur to comfort him and that was all he needed.

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