Chapter 1: Ohayō

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Hey There!

Banana Fish is literally one of the best anime I've ever seen! AND I love writing Hospital AUs, so why not put those things together in 1 fanfiction?

I do feel like I have to give some disclaimers:
- These characters do not belong to me, they belong to the makers of Banana Fish!
- The disease in this fanfiction is 100% fictional, and will be explained thoughout the chapters. It could trigger you if you've got traumatic expierences with Alzheimer, though!
- The developing relationship is between two men, so if you're homophobic it might not be the right content for you!
- Some plotpoints will be semi-canon or make hints to canon, but this is completely set in an alternate universe!

That's about about it when it comes to disclaimers. I hope you'll enjoy this completely new project "Fate Carries You Away; Drifting Further and Further" with a fair amount of (flirty/dorky) AshEiji and some fluff mixed in with the angsty parts.

Love, Noa <3


Eiji Okumura

5 Jul. 2018

Ohayō America, that's the first thing I think when I look out of the window this morning. Everything about this place screamed America, and even though I've never seen the city New York in broad daylight, I've always imagined it looking like this; vibrant, busy and big.

Even though I've grown up in a place like Japan, which isn't the calmest country either, I'm not used to the busy streets, sounds of cars everywhere and the morning's sun waking me up at what feels like midnight. The last thing could also be the cause of my major yet lag though.

Since arriving at my apartment yesterday morning after a thirteen hour flight, on which I slept for most of the time, I haven't closed my eyes for a single minute anymore. I'm too worked up about today; my first day of working as Ibe-san's assistant at New York's biggest clinic.

I was very surprised when, only a month ago, Ibe-san suddenly told me he was moving to America for work. He'd been my mentor-figure at the hospital I previously worked and I hadn't ever thought of him leaving me there alone with all the female nurses that kept on gossiping about me; apparently, in the older women's eyes, a nineteen-year-old is too young to have an interest in being a surgeon's assistant. Even though Ibe-san kept reassuring me that I was great at my job, especially for how young I still am, but the ladies found new things to gossip about each day; if it wasn't my age, it was the fact that I acted too young, even for a nineteen-year-old, and I acted too feminine for a guy.

I don't know what their problem was, but anyway, when Ibe-san told me he was leaving I begged him not to. Then he gave me the offer, one he had been anticipating for quite a while now.

"They need a young friendly nurse at the hospital I'll be working at," Ibe-san told me, explaining that they had a teenage patient at the clinic with a massive distrust towards most grownups, so they thought maybe searching for a permanent, young, nurse for this guy would give him a less stressful time at the clinic. "I talked it over with a friend I have there, the patient's previous caretaker, and he thought your personality would suit him perfectly."

Basically, Ibe-san gave me a job offer. It would earn me less money than the job I had at the hospital in Japan, since I'd mainly be taking care of that one patient and beside that would only be performing some little tasks, but Ibe-san promised me I'd make more than enough money to pay the rent of an apartment nearby and I'd be able to buy food and clothes. So, after talking it over with my parents and obviously having a lot of tough discussions about it, I decided to take the job-offer.

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