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Margaret enjoys Awsten's company a lot. He'll glare at anyone that looks at them weird, then offer her a smile. She finds him to be funny, too. Everything about him is different.

"So, we should begin with the Great Hall," Awsten says. "That is the most important place in the castle." She nods in agreement even though she's worried. There are a lot of people in the Great Hall. Walking in with Awsten won't look too great. It'll bring attention to her. "Wait, no. Everyone is setting up in there. Besides, my Mother and Father will be there soon. Let me show you to the kitchen."

Awsten leads the way, to the kitchen, laughing quietly as he tells Margaret stories. It's mostly about him running away from Otto to the point where Awsten can't be found. Apparently, there have almost been a few close calls of a missing prince. He claims that it wasn't his fault they couldn't find him.

When they arrive at the kitchen, Lia is prepping pastries to go into the oven. Awsten drops Margaret's arm, his arms straight at his side. Everyone turns to look at Margaret and Awsten. Lia looks between the two of them before her eyes land on Awsten.

"Good morning, Prince Awsten," she greets, curtseying.

"Good morning, Lia. I am showing Miss Anna around the castle. I believed it would be a good idea to start here in the kitchen. Have you met Lia yet, Anna?"

"Yes, I have. Earlier this morning," Margaret answers, looking at Lia.

"Well, we must leave now. Many places to see."

"Of course."

The two leave the kitchen. Awsten explains that Lia has been working at the castle since she was only nine. She was orphaned when her parents were killed in war, so the King and Queen decided they would take her in. She didn't truly work until she was 14. Awsten went on to explain that he's close to Lia because he's known her most of his life.

Their next destination is the library. He explains that he spends a lot of his time here.

"Reading allows you to get away from anything that's bothering you. Sometimes I cannot fathom the responsibility that will land on my shoulders once I become king. There are stories of adventure. There are novels about the known world. I enjoy reading about those types of things. What books do you read?"

In Wudrienth, Margaret has two libraries. One is private to her. It's in her room. "I find romantic novels to be beautiful, although I am one for adventure as well. Jane Austen is my favorite author. Northanger Abbey is an incredible book."

"'Now I must give one smirk, and then we may be rational again'," he quotes.

"A man of excellent taste," Margaret compliments.

"You know what book I despise?"

"No, but I have a feeling you are going to tell me."

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."

Margaret has to admit, she's surprised by that answer. Tom Sawyer is a story of adventure and a mischievous boy as the main character. Sure, Margaret personally hates the book as well, it's hard to believe Awsten hates it.

"Interesting. Quite frankly, I thought that book would be your favorite," she admits.

"They say you learn something new every day, Anna," he says, looking down at her.

"I suppose you do." They stare at each other for a minute, both of their faces pink. "What are you looking at?"

"You," he mutters. "You have the most gorgeous brown eyes, you know."

"Thank you," she whispers.

Awsten blinks and looks away. "We should go to the next stop."

They hurry out of the library. Awsten's hand brushes against hers. He takes the chance to entwine their fingers. He asks her questions about her life. She thinks back on thr backstory she created for 'Anna' in her head. She talks about how her father is a merchant. She tells him about how her Mother introduced her to Jane Austen's novels and how they would lay in a nearby field and read. It wasn't any different for Margaret. Awsten listens to her talk about her imaginary childhood as they walk to the music room.

Margaret adores the music room. It's much fancier than the one in Wudrienth. She only had a two grand pianos as well as a small collection of violins. This music room, however, has what looks like every instrument on the planet. There are four grand pianos, twenty-four violins, seventeen guitars, and many brass instruments.

The Prince pulls her towards one of the grand pianos. He takes a seat, his bright eyes on Margaret. She sits next to him with their hands intertwined.

"I am guessing you play?" Margaret asks, already knowing the answer by the way Awsten sat at the piano.

"Yes. You?"

"I do."

He lets go of her hand and begins playing Moonlight Sonata. Margaret joins in immediately. Awsten glances at her as she begins to play. She stays concentrated on the notes, so much so that she doesn't notice when Awsten stops playing half way through. Moonlight Sonata was her favorite piece from Betoven. She plays the last couple notes, taking a deep breath and looking at Awsten.

"You are..." Awsten furrows his eyebrows together, "brilliant, Anna."

"I did not even notice you stopped playing," she says with a little laugh. "And, thank you a lot."

"You can say my name, you know."

"Thank you-" she hesitates for a moment, "Awsten. What other instruments do you play?"

"Everything in here. I am incredibly talented," he grins.

Awsten promises to teach her as many instruments as he can. Margaret hopes he does because that means she'll get to spend more time with him. Granted, that adds another layer of stress. She needs to keep her secret, but here she is playing piano with the Prince.

Eventually, they finish their tour around the castle, ending up at the Great Hall for breakfast. They say goodbye even though they'll see each other inside. They won't be able to talk, though. Awsten says he'll show her the gardens tomorrow. He brings her hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against her knuckles. She stands there dumbfounded when he walks into the hall. She heads to the Staff entrance and takes her place behind Lia, taking a tray of food from the table.

"Talk tonight?" Lia asks.

"Yes," Margaret responds quietly, her hand still tingling from the small kiss.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


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