"What the hell was that?" He whispered yelled. "M-my mom...but it's ok as long as Mikio is ok.." I felt tears fill my eyes.Mikio was alright and that's all that mattered, no matter what. "Y-your mom..?!" He held Mikio even tighter. "She hurts you..?!" I couldn't look him in the eyes. "N-no she...loves..me.." I muttered, still looking away from the ash blonde's red gaze. "She hurts you..!" He yelled. "Don't she might hear you!" I whisper yelled. "Whatever...who even is this brat..?" He just looked at Mikio, who was poking kacchan's face.How could I tell him? "He's my...baby brother... Mikio.." I muttered looking, at Mikio. "Mikio.. huh...who gave him that name..?" Mikio giggled as Katsuki Said his name. "I..did..!" I wore a light smile.Katsuki smiled softly, then he just held one of his hands out.I was confused what was he doing..? "I am going to help you with this brat..." He looked at me, he was really serious. "Wha-" He cut me off. "I will help you with the brat if you do my homework.." He said in a serious tone.
I thought about it for a bit..I mean I was only 10 and I did need help,so I guess it would work. "Ok.." I shook his hand.We both walked into my room and sat on the bed.It was nice talking to Katsuki, he wasn't yelling.Everything was perfect,Mikio was asleep.I finally had somebody who knew what was happening and helping me.
But everything always ends.Katsuki had been helping me for a month already and Mikio had already gotten attached to him.He started to call Katsuki dada.It was really cute!
Me and Katsuki were trying to feed Mikio,but he wouldn't eat. "Na!" Mikio put his hand on the tray of his highchair. "Mikio Midoriya..!" I said in a serious tone. "Na na na!" He argued. "Deku..calm down..he's a baby..." Katsuki just looked at the small child in the highchair. "Oh come on, Mikio just eat one spoonful.." I put the spoon of applesauce close to his mouth, but he wouldn't eat. "Na! Dada!" He yelled,looking at Katsuki.Of course Mikio looked at Katsuki, he gets babied by him! "Katsuki.." I looked at Katsuki and handed him the spoon and bowl. "Alright fine.." He got up and walked over to Mikio. "Listen...up you little brat...you are going to eat..Deku is going to feed you understood...?" He was looking Mikio directly in the eye's.Mikio nodded his head softly. "Mama!" He giggled. "Mikio.." I walked over to Mikio and fed him a spoonful of applesauce. "Alright let's bathe you" I picked Mikio up and walked to the bathroom with him.
I walked in the bathroom and started a bath for Mikio. "Katsuki hold him.." I held Mikio up for Katsuki to hold him.He did grab him and was holding him.It was a cute sight.
The bath was ready for Mikio,I took him from Katsuki and undressed him.I placed him gently in the bath, making sure his head stays up. "You really love home don't you..?" Katsuki asked me. "Mhm..he's my whole..life...what about you..?" I was nervous. "What..?" He asked sitting next to me while I washed Mikio. "Do you like Mikio..?" I didn't look away from Mikio. "I guess" He mumbled.Mikio giggled, "Dada!" He yelled. "What is it you little brat..?" Katsuki asked him,he started helping me clean Mikio.Mikio moved over to Katsuki and kissed his cheek. "Mikio!" I laughed, Mikio was all soapy,the soapy bubble's got all over Katsuki's face. "It's not funny!" He yelled.Mikio giggled when he saw how Katsuki's face looked. "It really is funny!"
We finished bathing Mikio.He was fully clothed and he was snuggled up in a blanket.He was so small and cute. "Looks at you Mikio so cute!" I picked Mikio up with his blanket still wrapped around him.It was nice, Katsuki was sitting on the bed watching me and Mikio play.Remember when I said everything always ends, yeah this is where that comes in play.It was calm and nice,till the front door slammed.I was startled, "Katsuki..can you see who it is...?" I whispered, all he did was nod.He walked my bedroom door and opened it, he looked through the crack. "It's your mom..and a man.." He whispered. "What are they doing..?" I whispered back. "Their...kissing..." He whispered. "Let me go out.. watch Mikio.." I got up and walked out of the bedroom.
Katsuki was right they were kissing,and it was a heavy make-out session. "Welcome home ma'am..." I said as I stood infront of them. "Is..this a sex toy..for me..~?" The man just looked at me with a smirk. "No... he's a maid.." She glared at him. "Oh..I would pay good money for his body..." He smirked then looked at me "what's your name cutie..~?" He asked getting to my eye level. "Izuku..." I mumbled. "You still a virgin..~" He smirked. "No..." I lied. "Oh your not..huh..you look like one.." He got back up and walked away with my mother.
I ran back to my bedroom to see a sleeping Mikio in his crib.Katsuki was just sitting there,on my bed staring at him. "Do they use you as a sex toy..?" He asked, looking at me. "They started using me,but only to suck...them..off" I muttered. " So you still a virgin..?" He asked as he walked closer to me. "Mhm..." I couldn't do anything.He hugged me tightly. "Wha-" He hugged me even tighter. "I'll protect you nerd..." He muttered.

My Sunshine
FanfictionInko Midoriya isn't a very good mother.She doesn't take care of her son izuku,or herself.After she found out she was pregnant, she made izuku look after her.Once the baby was born it got worse, she would start sleeping with multiple men and didn't t...