The Attack of The Giant Cat

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The van hit a pothole, causing its inhabitants to jump. 

"Fuck," Finley hissed as her head smacked the window she was taking a nap on. 

After a Cabin Counselor Meeting, it was decided three campers and three hunters go on the quest. Finley, who was not meant to be there, snuck in using Annabeth's cap. She stated she was going on this quest, and that was final. Percy tried coming, but in the end, was not allowed to. 

As of right now, the group of five was heading to their next destination. If Finley was being honest, she had absolutely no idea where that was. 

Bianca sat next to her. She had one major glow-up since joining the Hunters. When Finley first saw her last night, she was almost convinced it was a new person.

Her dark hair was braided like Zoe's now, so you could actually see her face. She had a splash of freckles across her nose, She looked like she'd been working out, and her skin glowed faintly, like the other Hunters, as if she'd been taking showers in liquid moonlight.

Finley, on the other hand, almost contrasted her looks completely. Her light brown hair was pulled into a messy dutch braid that fell past her shoulder blades. A dark denim jacket with a white fur lining covered her red flannel and grey wolf shirt that lay beneath. Her skinny jean-clad legs were crossed at the ankles where her black converse lay. As the music played, she twisted Light Bringer on her finger. 

She told herself she was on this quest to help Artemis and Annabeth. However, she knew, deep-down, she wanted to prove her worth. To prove that she wasn't Percy Jackson's Sidekick

She never felt inferior to her friends before. She thought herself to be equal. But after a while, those taunts from Ares Cabin start to get to your head. After every taunt, she was left to think about who she is.

Who is Finley Jones?

To Finley, she is the oddball out of her siblings. She has no talent that proteins to her father as her siblings do. She is the extra person on quests, the person that doesn't need to be. She's not smart. She's not important.

To anyone else, she is a badass. She is one of the best sword fighters in thousands of years. She's ruthless in battle. She's smart and kind. She's brave. She's different but in a way the younger generations of halfbloods love. She's the person that shows them they can be different. 

To most of the Gods, she is a pawn. She is that pawn on a chessboard that can make or break the game. She's the pawn that seems small and worthless, the pawn that's underestimated. She's the pawn that, placed and played correctly, can win the game. 

To Apollo, she is his daughter. He might not be there a lot, due to ancient laws, but he is always performing frequent checks on her. He knew of her destiny and the many paths that are possible for the girl. 

She's a wild card. 

She doesn't have a select path. 

Her paths aren't all dark . . .but they aren't all light either. 

This might have been what drew Apollo's attention to this particular child of his. Hermes knew of Luke's fate. 

But Finley . . .

The Fates don't know what to do with her. 

Even if she thought she held no powers, she does. They just haven't presented themselves. 

The moment they do, Kronos will try recruiting her. 

This is where her path could go dark. 

This is where her destiny met a fork in the road. 

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