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Lawrence pov

I was sat on my bed in my underwear playing video games again, that is when my bedroom door was opened by my mom.

"Lawrence, clean your room" Mom said, I just keep playing my game

"It's my room, why can't I keep it like this?" I ask not taking my eyes off the screen, my mom stands in front of the tv.

"Mom" I sigh, I pause my game and look at her

"Clean your room...I'll give you $20" she said, I look at my room and shrug and nod

"Okay" I say, she nods and leaves

I clean my room, first taking down all the dirty plates and cups, then picking up all the rubbish throwing it out, emptying my bin, taking all my dirty laundry down, then putting all my clean laundry in my closet, I grab some air freshener and spray my room.

"Mhmmm, nice" I mumble to myself then spray myself with the air freshener, I open my windows and grab the vacuum cleaner and clean my floors. I rush downstairs and find my mom in the kitchen talking to my dad, they stop and look at me.

"Done!" I say, mom smiles and goes upstairs to my room, she opens my room and smiles.

"Okay, here" she said, I smile taking the $20 from her

"If you do the laundry, which is now mainly yours, I'll give you $15" Mom said, I smile putting the $20 in my draw in my room and go do the laundry.

"Gross" I mumble when I see a bra, I grab the corner and throw it in the washing machine. When it was all in I go to my mom with an empty basket.

"No...did you put all the washing in one?" Mom asked, i frown and nod

"Yeh, mine, Chris, Taylor's, i don't know maybe yours and dads, I don't see why you do it in different piles, just Chuck it all in and it'll be done at the same time" I say, mom sighed.

"Lawrence...the whites are going to change colour" Mom said, I frown

"Huh?" I ask, she sighed

"You can't put whites in with-just go sit down" Mom said, I hold my hand out

"I tried, you never taught me" I say, she gives me just a 5 and a look, I mean I did just ruin all of the clothes in there.

"Thanks!" I say, I go upstairs and put the money in my draw

$45 because I had a 20 already, I smile. This whole chores thing isn't too bad, I get money for just doing stuff that when I move out I'll have to do anyway.

I grab my laptop and see it was on a job website page, I click off it thinking 'I'll do it soon' and watch Netflix.

"Lawrence! Come set the table" dad called, I get up going downstairs

"Money?" I ask, he hands me a 10 I nod and set the table, I sit down eating with the rest of my family for once when dinner was ready, i sat in the living room while waiting.

As we were all eating they were all talking, I was on my phone.

"Lawrence, off your phone please, it's nice that you sat with us so we would like to have your attention" mom said, I put my phone down and look at her.

"So, have you found a job yet?" She said, i shrug

"I'm looking" I say, she nods

We talk a little more, mainly about Chris and Taylor I'm school, Chris is in high school and Taylor is in middle school.

After dinner I did the washing up for $10, I don't know how these prices are working like cleaning my room was more money and doing the dishes and setting the table.

After that I go to bed, I watch a stream for a while then a few YouTube videos and some episodes on Netflix, it was around 3am when I fell asleep.

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