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Lawrence pov

I was in my clean bedroom sat on my bed playing video games, it's been a few weeks since I've been doing these chores and I've made like a 100 bucks.

My dad comes in my room knocking the door then entering, he looks around and nods since they're not used to sing it so clean.

"Get the groceries, I'll give you $30" he said, I nod and finish my game and get changed.

I put on
Blue skinny jeans, a pair of scuffed up dirty converse, and a grey oversized baggy sweatshirt.

I go downstairs take the shopping list and money, I then make my way to the grocery store, walking because I don't have a driving license and I said to my dad I'll be fine just walking

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I go downstairs take the shopping list and money, I then make my way to the grocery store, walking because I don't have a driving license and I said to my dad I'll be fine just walking.

When I got there I saw a coffee shop and it said looking for work, I like coffee I make a good coffee and I need a job. I walk in and look around for someone who works here, I see someone and smile.

"Hey, the door said that you're looking for help" I say, she nods

"We are" she said, I nod

"I can make coffee" I say, she smiles

"I'm sure you can, how are you with people?" She asked

"Well how am I doing with you?" I am causing her the chuckle

"I can take orders and make the coffee" I say, she nods

"Do you have any experience?" She asked

"I make coffee all the time and I take orders from my parents" I say, she smiles

"You know what, you're funny I'm going to give you a shot" she said, I go wide eyed

"Wait what? There's no interviewing process?" I ask, she shook her head

"We are a small coffee shop, if you fuck up I'll fire you, so come back Monday" she said, I nod.

"Yes, okay thank you" I say, she nods smiling and I leave

"Damn I'm good" I mumble to myself on the way out, I then finally get the groceries and walk home.

"I'm home! And I'm finally employed!" I call out, mom and dad rush over

"Seriously?" They asked, I nod

"Yep, at this little coffee shop, this cute girl just gave me the job" I say, they nod

"So she just gave you the job? Do you mean an interview?" Dad asked, i shook my head

"Nope, just gave me the job after I said I could make coffee and you know some other stuff, but yep she just gave me the job" I said putting the groceries away, they smile and I go in my pocket pulling out the change.

"Keep it and here's your $30" dad said, I smile nodding

"Thanks!" I say, I go upstairs and take my clothes off and lay in bed playing video games for the rest of the day, I set the table for $15 and do the dishes for $10 so I made good money today.

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