bonnie x reader pt.2

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(Yes I'm finally doing it-)

Third person pic

The next night y/n went there she ran straight to the office she realised how dumb she was the last night 'the animatronics must have thought I was on crack...Holy shot I think I was high np way the animatronics can move......I don't even smoke or drink-' she thought sitting down on the office chair awkwardly staring blankly at nothing sighing as the phone rang and she just started to litsen to the phone guys taped voice..

It's been 5 minutes and chica already banging on the office closed doors 'I thought she wasn't going to be on till much later wtf' she thought as she just watched chica who was on the other side "c'mon scurity girl I just wanna be friendsss it's so hard being the only girl around here pllsss"chica said pleading from the other side y/n just stared " n o?" She said awkwardly still staring at chica "come on pleaseee I won't bite I promise ..." chica said y/n ignored her and just went back on checking the cameras after some time she checked the for a and she opened it since chica was gone just as she opened the door chica slapped in she was hiding behind the door "what I'm the-"y/n just watched "finally I'm in now you are going to be my friend or I will earrape you with my scream!!"chica said in an energized tone "..ok ok fineee"y/n answered "the hecks going on here" y/n and chica turned around to see bonnie just standing there awkwardly " you know what I don't even wanna know..."bonnie said slowly taking steps away from the door "bonnie your no funnn plus I think she will a perfect fit for you dont you think ?~"chica chimed y/n looked at her confused as chica held her shoulders and pushed y/n torwards bonnie "c-chica I am not interested in anybody will you please stop trying to get me with someone"bonnie said taking more steps away "c'mon bonnie it won't be that bad if you give it a try once tell me first when you guys get together"and with that chica pushed y/n on top of bonnie and ran off "chica you bastard !!"bonnie screamed angrily catching you .there was an awkward silence between you two "uhhh are you ok?..did she just you"bonnie said obviously annoyed "nah I'm good bugs buns and what did chica mean?"y/n said "I swear if you call me hugs bonnie again ..I will yeet you in an freddy suit in the speed of light and she me and no th ing" you guys stayed silent again "are ya two finally gonna kiss or nah"foxy said just standing there with a camera "kiss kiss kiss kiss!" Chica was whispering from behind "what's wrong with your friends"y/n asked "no idea all I know is that they won't leave us alone unless we do as they say..."bonnie replied "kidding you is the last thing I would do"y/n said blushing brightly "we have to do it..."bonnie said

You guys just stared at eachother till bonnie gently grabs y/n's face and went in for a nice kiss "now f/$k" "foxy why would you say that-" "just f^%k already for God's sake I don't want bonnies little one day crush get worse it's anoyying" "FOXY YOU BASTARD!" "Foxy you better run fast I'm not calling freddy to help you"

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