chica x nonbinary y/n

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An:damn these bitches gay...good for them good for them-

Anyways moving on-
(In this story y/n's parents are rich and chica is the chef/maid- does that make sence?-)
Third persones pov
Y/n laid on their bed kicking around biting their pillow they were pissed because they weren't allowed to eat since they were growing out of shape as their parents stated a while ago and they also forced them to wear a corset "chica I swear of you don't give me anything to eat I will shove this corset up your ass" y/n screeched chica sighed holding the piece of food y/n stole from the kitchen wich she had to chase them down to their room to snatch from them "y/n for the last time I'm not allowed to do that plus watch your words before your parents force you to be more polite and things like that you already know how I hate not being able to eat but you will have to deal with it for a while till your allowed" chica replied walking torwards y/n and tapping them on the forehead "chica you don't know how hard it is to only be able to eat vegetables and that's also limited do you know how painful it is!?" Y/n screeched one more time making chica take a step back and covering one of her ear with her free hand "for God's sake y/n I alaredy feel enough pain from you acting like this and keeping on asking me to marry you from left and right "chica took a deep breath in "plus I need to leave now you can while as much as you want but I am not giving you food" chica made her way torwards the door opening it and stepping out the room y/n grabbed another pillow throwing it at chica butshe closed the door before it would hit her "damnit y/n your gonna get me fired !"chica screamed through the door at y/n " you don't need to worry about money if you marry mee"y/n answered still kisses tho "y/n I am not going to marry you " chica screeched in emmbarssment from the other side of the door as she hurried her way to the kitchen.

Tiny time skip-

"Hah you can't catch me now chica !" Y/n screamed at chica on top of a tree "Jesus y/n get the hell down from up there if you get injured I will be the one to blame"y/n though didn't litsen and started to munch on the food she stole she ate like an animal taht didn't have anything to eat for two days straight , when she finished tho she looked back down at chica " you know it wouldn't hurt to marry meee!" Y/n screamed from on top of the tree "oh hell no the day I marry you is the day I die!!!!"


"I guess your dead now!"y/n chimed as she slipped the ring into chicas finger "shut up "chica said embbarassed

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