if you're listening.

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hellooooo, just a quick disclaimer! This story will take place around season two, and instead of Greenaway and Gideon it will be Prentiss and Rossi. Elle and Gideon will be in this story later though!

Sc•in•til•la - a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling

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Sc•in•til•la - a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling. Example: a scintilla of attraction.

I was surprised when I found out my first day at the BAU was only a week away. I had barely any notice, my boss just sort of told me and sent me off. That week has since passed, and I have exactly 12 minutes to show up to the Behavioural Analysis Unit.

My sneakers are pressed down against the floor of the metro, they feel sticky, I cannot imagine what has been smashed into this floor.
My mother told me wearing sneakers on the first day of my new job wasn't very professional, but I refuse to squeeze my feet into painful, sleek heels.

I check my wristwatch. 6:49. 11 minutes, and I am praying I make it on time.
First impressions have to be good.

The metro pulls to a halt, and the doors open. I allow people to exit before me, as I was raised to have manners. As soon as I'm off the train I start jogging.
I clutch my bag close to my side as I run, if I don't all of the contents would spill out, leaving me with less time.

I'm suddenly glad I decided not to wear a dress or skirt today, and instead pinstripe trousers and a white button up long sleeve.
I curse myself for not tying my hair up.

I can see the BAU from where I'm standing. A tall building, nine floors perhaps? Long windows coat the walls, I can see desks inside. The BAU has lots of security checkpoints too, and barriers you need to pass to enter. I suppose it's what they need, anyone could waltz in at any time and claim they're a profiler or a FBI agent.

A man with dark hair and a jet black suit stands in front of the building. He's quite tall, and I guess he's around six foot or over. Probably mid thirties, early forties.
He holds a serious expression on his face, but I feel as though he'll be kind enough.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" He asks. I nod my head. "Pleasure to meet you. Aaron Hotchner, but please call me Hotch , the rest of the team is inside." He tells me, shaking my hand, his grip firm.

"It's nice to meet you" I reply.
He hands me a card with my information printed on it, fabric hangs around, so I can wear it.
"I'll show you inside, get you to your desk and let you meet the team. We do have a case today, which I apologise about. Not ideal for your first day" he informs.

"Oh no Sir, it's fine." I assure him.
He gives me a brief smile, before gesturing me to follow him.
We walk through the glass doors and into the building. We're standing in a neatly decorated lobby, with a front desk and an elevator towards the end of the room.

The room is decorated with lots of plants, and has a cream and sepia colour palette. The floor is entirely marble, with a long green carpet in the middle.

Hotch leads me to the elevator and presses the button for floor seven. The elevator doors close, and we ascend.
A comfortable silence sits in the elevator, which is probably best, I'm able to gather my thoughts.

The elevator pings and the doors open. Infront of me is a grand entrance, with two separate hallways protruding from it. A large room lays in the middle, glass doors giving me a view of people inside the room.

Hotch opens a door for me, and then leads me to my desk. It looks comfortable, with a desk light and pot of pens on top of it. I sling my jacket around the back of my chair.
"The only times you'll really be at your desk is when we're doing paperwork, other times we won't even be in Quantico" Hotch says.

"Change of scenery is good now and again" I joke. He slightly smirks, and then straightens up.
"I'll take you to meet the team. And, don't be nervous. Nobody is going to judge you, although they may in their heads, we are profilers after all."

I follow him up a short flight of stairs, and walk down a walkway with a metal railing on the side. At the end of the walkway is a room with a round table, and pictures of crime scenes pinned to crime boards. Some are gruesome, some are pictures of writing in diaries.

Hotch clears his throat and everyone sitting at the table perks up.
"I'd like to introduce you all to Y/N Y/L/N. She joins us from New York Institute, please make her feel welcome."

"David Rossi, welcome to the team" a middle aged Italian man welcomes me. I've heard of Rossi, and I've read a portion of his books. He is one of the most famous profilers in the USA, I'm sure most people have heard of him.

"Emily Prentiss" a raven haired woman says. She shakes my hand politely and gives me a smile. From what I've learned, the smile seems genuine.

"Jennifer Jareau, but call me JJ, everyone here does" A blonde woman tells. She's a little bit taller than me, and holds a confident posture.

"Penelope Garcia, I'm the technical analyst. So good to finally meet you!" She exclaims, pulling me in for a hug. She's wearing bright red glasses and colourful clothing, and I immediately decide I need to be friends with her.

"Derek Morgan, Hotch told me about you" A dark skinned man introduces himself. "I'd like to consider myself a 'professional door kicker'" he jokes.
I laugh wholeheartedly, and smile at him.

"This is Prettyboy." He points at the last person for me to meet.

"Doctor Spencer Reid. And apologies, I don't shake. 80 percent of common infections are spread through hands" he tells me. He's around 6'1, with glasses. He has brown hair, which is slightly pushed back from his ears. A brown messenger bag is around his shoulder. He's dressed very professionally, and I try not to smile when I see he is also wearing a pair of converse.

"It's great to meet you" I say to him, and his mouth presses into a line, which I think is a smile.
"He's nervous," Morgan tells me, throwing a hand over Reid's shoulder.
"I am not.." Reid mumbles under his breath.

"If it makes you feel any better, so am I. I'm not very good at meeting new people." I reassure him.
His eyes meet mine, and then his gaze drifts to his hands. He takes a deep breath.

He holds out his hand for me to shake.


ayoooo first chapter :D
Will I post another one tonight? Perhaps. Probably not, but I'll try!

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, and feel free to leave writing tips in the comments :) also trying to fix this rn-

scintilla // Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now