Chapter 28

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It was cold and rainy and me and my dad were out in our true forms for a run in the woods when we heard a noise in the distance. Just to be careful in case it was humans we ran to one of our allocated spots of hidden clothes and shifted back before changing.

"What was that?" I say pulling my shirt over my head before walking round the tree to see my dad already dressed and ready to investigate whatever it was

"I'm not sure but just don't go off to far on your own ok" you see the time we've spent together just the two of us has brought us so close together and although he doesn't like to admit it he's become very protective of me.

I just nod my head before trying to catch any kind of scent or if there was any kind of tracks to follow but there was nothing we searched for what felt like hours before deciding it was probably nothing and starting to walk back to where we were staying.

"So what do you fancy for dinner tonight do you want a home cooked meal or a tak-" before he could even finish his sentence there was a piercing gun shot and it went straight into his shoulder

"Dad!" I drop to the floor next to him not knowing what to do or say I was in such a panic I nearly didn't hear what he said

"Wolfsbane" I gasp not knowing what to do because I can't touch it either, but if I don't he'll die, I look to see him groaning it pain and sweating profusely, I take a deep breath before whipping my claws out and attempting to take it out, the little that I touched hurt like hell for me so I couldn't imagine the pain that he was in, I finally managed to get the bullet out and we both sigh in relief although that relief didn't last too long before more shots were being fired at us, I quickly picked him up before running as fast as I could whilst also attempting to drag him along with me unfortunately we didn't make it very far before we were stopped by a really big guy standing blocking our way out I try to turn around to run another way but there was an even bigger guy if that was even possible blocking the other way, I whip my head around to see multiple men and women blocking every entrance and exit possible. I flash my eyes and snap my fangs but they all just laugh before turning serious and doing the same back, they all either had yellow or blue eyes. I was so screwed. I look to my dad to see he was still really week but was trying to put on a brave face I'm about to attempt to fight them off when a guy who looks to be only a couple of years older walks out clapping slowly he had black hair and green eyes just like Derek come to think of it he looked a lot like Derek, I look to my dad to see he had gone very pale like he had seen a ghost and I don't think it was because of the wolfsbane.

"Dad what's wrong?" I ask worry clearly present on my face he looks to me and then back at the boy then back to me he gulps before standing by himself and turning back to the boy now a face full of rage.

"How the hell are you still alive and what the hell are you doing here?" he demands eyes flashing uncontrollably, I had never seen my dad like this before and quite frankly it was scary. I look to the boy who just smiles before turning his attention to me

"Hello Malia how are you?" he says casually as if he hasn't just basically kidnapped us

"Who are you?" I say ignoring his question and greeting he just chuckles an angry chuckle before turning his attention back to my dad.

"Wow Peter how could you have not told her about me I was your favourite after all" he says grinning at the look on my dads face.

"Now L you know I never had favourites"

"Oh but you did everyone in that house did and we all know it was never me was it... no not once not ever it was always Derek this and Derek that, how is he by the way?" I was so confused as to what the hell way going on and decided to cut in before this went any further

"Will someone please explain what is going on here who the hell are you and why did you shoot my dad and why are you blocking off our ways out what do you want from us" I say growling towards the end

"Oh my well you can see that you inherited my dear uncles temper be careful little coyote before you get yourself hurt" he says with a look that just screamed crazy I was about to say something else when something he said clicked in my head

"Wait what do you mean you dear uncle dad who is he?" I say not being sure I'm going to like the answer

"Well Mal do you mind if I call you that oh well anyway Mal since no one else has been polite enough to make you aware of who I am I'll introduce myself"

"Hi I'm Landon Derek's twin brother"

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