Chapter 16

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It all happened so fast, we didn't know how to stop him, who knows how strong he is or what he's now capable of but we couldn't let him kill this man. I couldn't let him kill this man.

"Stiles stop it your going to kill him." I say in my most calming voice. He stops suddenly and looks up at me his eyes fading back to normal and his fangs retracting as he looks around in horror.

"W-What did I just do" he says putting his hand to his mouth only for him to smudge blood over his lips, he looks at his hands and then the man. I slowly go over careful as to what my next move was, I held my hand out and let him come to me almost like when your introducing yourself to a dog. When he saw my hand he started to cry and basically threw himself at me, I pull him closer to me ignoring everyone else around us.

"It's ok, it's ok baby don't worry well figure it out together ok?" I ask almost question like. He just nods his head before nuzzling into me and crying softly.

I took him back to the loft and told everyone else to go home and that they could see him tomorrow which they all respected. I carried him all the way to the bed and he didn't complain once. I lay him on the bed before climbing in next to him and he immediately clung onto me.

"Just try to get some sleep ok" I don't get a verbal reply but I feel him nod against my chest. I sigh and pull him closer struggling to fall asleep. I lay awake thinking about how we were going to deal with the new problem and what we were going to do.

"What are we going to do" I whisper aloud before my eyes flutter shut.


My eyes flutter open and I was not expecting to see what I saw. Stiles was standing there a tray in hand filled with food and a glass of orange juice.

"Hey what's all this ?" I question sitting up covering my mouth as I stifle a yawn.

"Well I know that the next few weeks or months are going to be hard and I just wanted to show you I appreciate everything your going to do for me." He says blushing whilst climbing into bed next to me. I look at him in shock and he looks nervous. He begins to stumble over his words and I place the tray on the bed side table and attacked him with my lips. Even tho this terrible thing has happened to him he's still trying to put everyone before him. It's clear he was taken by surprise which I gathered from the little squeal he made, I take that as my opportunity to go further. We sit like that for about 3 more minutes before I get out of bed.

"Hey we're you going ?"

"Well even tho this thing has happened to you you're still trying to put everyone before you so for today let me take care of you."

"But Der you always take car-"  I put my finger against his lips before sighing.

"Just shut up and let me look after you." He nods his head and I take that as a sign to remove my finger although I wish I didn't.

"I like it when you take control like that." He says winking before climbing back into bed.

"Stiles no"

"Stiles yes" he says wiggling his eyebrows at me I sigh but smile nonetheless before climbing into the bed and climbing on top of him. I smirk and dip my head down but before I knew it I had been flipped over onto my back at an immense speed. We both look at each other in shock eyes widened but whilst I'm more surprised and still in shock I guess stiles wasn't in the right frame of mind to care as much for all he said was

"Oh this is going to be good"

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