Chapter 2

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Hey guys thanks for reading my first chapter I hope you liked it anyway here's chapter 2.

I woke up in a haze, confused and a bit distraught. I started looking around when I then remembered I had been shot. Because you know that's just something your forget so easily, I look down at my stomach and see that the bullet wound was completely healed, I wonder how long I was out for. I stand up looking around the room, there was a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling, a single bed and a bookshelf. I tried to open the door but of course no luck, I walked over to the bookshelf and saw a dusty old book laying there, I picked it up and looked at the title "Moby Dick" I voiced, I decided since I had nothing better to do and there was no way out to simply sit on the old single bed and read.

I don't know how long I've been sitting here reading probably hours, I had just got half way through the book when the steel door opened and a women walked in. I've never seen her before but she did not smell human but she wasn't a werewolf either. Hmmm

"Trying to figure out what I am hum?" I looked at her she was very beautiful, but she knew that. You could tell by her body language.

"Who are you?" I asked even though I knew I wouldn't get an answer.

"Now why would I tell you that." Told ya. I just growled in response.

"Now now little wolfie might want to behave if you want your little friend to stay alive" I don't know what came over me but I lunged at her. It was like I had no control, my wolf took complete control over me . What is going on. She just smirked up at me, she pressed a button on a small remote which I didn't even see. My whole body shook with electricity and I dropped to the floor. The last thing I heard was my wolf whispering to me.

"Must protect mate."

I woke up with a headache, great , I groaned as I tried to sit up. I start to panic as I realised I couldn't move. I started pulling my arms around frantically trying to get free. I then realised I was tied down and there was no point in trying to free myself. I lifted my head up and saw a man in a white coat looking at a sheet of paper. He turned around and looked me up and down, almost analysing me.

"You really are special Stiles you have so much potential" confused and scared I dared to ask.

"What's that supposed to mean." He just laughed a sinister laugh that shook me to my core and stated.

"You are quite strong without the bite, mentally and physically, imagine what strength you would have with it. You could be capable of so much more."

he bared his teeth at me making his way towards me. I began thrashing around hoping that whatever was holding me down would miraculously break, he stoped walking and just laughed.

"Don't worry, your time will come" he's eyes flashed red and his fangs retracted. I began panicking knowing he was an Alpha and has the power to actually turn me and it wasn't just a threat. He then left without another word. I lay there thinking if anyone was going to come save me, I wonder if they knew I was missing, my mind then wondered to a particular sourwolf, now I have a little secret that only Scott and Lydia know about, and if you haven't guessed it yet well I'm gay and yep you guessed it I'm in Love with one particular brooding i have no feelings original Mr sourwolf the one and only Derek Hale. I know I know, it came as a shock to me too at first, but the constant being pushed against walls and threatening ended up turning me on more then I like to admit. I just lay there thinking of Derek and what would happen if I got turned, don't get me wrong I have thought about asking Scott or Derek to turn me before, more than once, but I always back out last minute. I've always been happy being the human in the pack, but when they start treating me like a child, like I can't handle myself, that is when it really pushes me over the edge, making me debate such a irrational decision.

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