Always be together

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Three days later ..

Rarity and Applejack sat at the table and talked.Over time, they decided to go for some fresh air.They sat on the porch.Applejack kissed Rarity.Coco came and saw them kissing.She didn't want to disturb them, she waited for them to stop kissing.Applejack began unbuttoning the Rarity shirt.Coco came closer to them.They didn’t see her because they were too busy with each other.

"God dag."

They broke up with a kiss.


"Måste du komma just nu?"Applejack joked.

"I'm going for a drink.Talk nicely when I go get a drink, okay?"

"Det innan var ett skämt.Jag hoppas att du inte har något emot."

"Det är okej.Det är trevligt att se två personer visa kärlek till varandra."

"Planerar du att åka tillbaka till Sverige?"

"Jag vet inte, jag är inte helt säker än.Jag glömde att prata engelska redan.(Laughter). "

"Du glömmer aldrig ditt modersmål.Men för att vara ärlig passar det dig att prata svenska bättre än engelska."

"Så jag talar svenska."

Rarity brought a drink.She placed it on the table.Applejack served Coco a drink.Rarity took her drink herself.Applejack also took a drink herself.

"Det är en show kl 19."

"Vilken show?"

"Gröna ängar med dig.Faktum är att det sägs i originalet Prairies vertes avec vous.En mycket hyllad fransk skådespelare kommer med sitt team för att spela denna show.Det finns ingen entréavgift.Du måste följa med mig.Du kommer att vara ledsen om du saknar det."

"Okej, låt oss alla gå till showen."

"We could also invite Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Sunset.Twilight is fluent in French.Pinkie Pie loves French pastries.I hope Pinkie Pie bakes some of these goodies."

"Just who would bake goodies if not Pinkie?"

"And who is the best pastry chef?Pinkie Pie."

"Of course, Fluttershy is in second place then."

"Hej, jag går nu.Vi träffas i parken klockan sex."

"Adjektiv, oroa dig inte."

"We were left alone.Are we going to continue where we stayed?"

"Am..haha, I don't know?"

"How can you not know?"

"Hahaha "

"What's so funny?"

"You got me.Normally we will continue where we left off."

"You ..."

Rarity interrupted Applejack with a kiss.A lot of the time later, they were in the pool.They swam for an hour.

"Darling, what if we went shopping for the show today?"

"Yes, let's go shopping."

"I hope we catch the discounts."

"We have to hurry.Go and get ready, I'll be too."

Eighteen minutes later, the girls were ready to go.Rarity wore a moose shirt trimmed in orange, wide black pants and flip-flops.Applejack wore an American pattern on a T-shirt, nylons, shorts and a gladiator shoe.They got to the car.This time she was driving a Rarity.Rarity also had a nice elegant rose-colored handbag with her.On the way to the clothing store, they listened to music.

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