|| BOOK 2 of 'In the Name of Order' ||
As new obstacles arise and old ones worsen, Willow must make decisions that bring her one step closer to the people she loves.
Forced into a difficult position, there are no other options but betrayal, lies...
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NEW LAW: Pristine Act
According to the Constitution of Geode, the Pristine Act makes it a crime for any individual to act in a manner that will result in the loss of a Gifted individuals' gift. In the case of one acting in such a manner, the appropriate legal punishment will take place.
NEW LAW: Boomerang Act
The Boomerang Act provides an alternative to serving jail time and is best described as a law ensuring one's punishment fits one's crime.
According to the Boomerang Act, individuals found guilty of committing a crime may escape jail time by choosing an alternative form of punishment which aims to strip the criminal of the aspects that allowed the criminal to commit the crime.
The alternative form of punishment is not available to those accepting the consequence for a crime he or she did not commit i.e. those accepting the punishment for a crime in terms of the Kin Act.
Kin Act
According to the Constitution of Geode, The Kin Act allows a first-degree or second-degree relative to stand in the place of a criminal relative and accept the consequences of their relative's crime.
A relative under the age of twelve will not be allowed to inherit the crime and consequences of the crime from the accused relative. A relative between the ages twelve and eighteen may not accept the charges without parent or guardian consent.
However, when a child is between the ages twelve and eighteen; the parent or guardian have the right to bestow the consequences of the original criminal onto the child.
Alms Act
According to the Constitution of Geode, The Alms Act enables individuals to be leased to the government, and, as per their lease agreement, earn a monthly income for their service. Leased individuals will be part of the Trade Program run by the government; a program established for human testing.
Individuals under the age of twelve may not be leased. Individuals between the ages twelve and eighteen may not be leased without parent or guardian consent. However, when a child is between the ages twelve and eighteen; the parent or guardian have the right to lease the child.
This Act does not apply to parents (leasing their child) or individuals (leasing oneself) that earn over R80,000 per month.
Bounty Act
The Bounty Act allows parents or guardians earning any amount of income to auction their minor child at the annual Foster's Gift (FG) Auction, and anyone over the age of eighteen may auction themselves.
All who want to auction their child or themselves must first register for the Auction Test. Only when the individual passes the Auction Test will the person be eligible to take part in the FG Auction where the person may or may not be purchased.
If one is purchased, the individual will thereon be the property of the Gifted Program. Only individuals who are purchased are referred to as 'the Gifted'. Any person showing advancements in human abilities will be obligated to take part in the Auction Test and, where the test is passed, the FG Auction.
The Gifted Program is a program, founded by the first president Foster I, which aims to develop human abilities.
Merit Act
According to the Constitution of Geode, the Merit Act allows parents to dispose of their undesirable, minor children through the use of Government Relief (GR) Program.
Parents may only deem the minor as an undesirable if the child has a disability affecting 35% or more of the child's mental or physical health.
Note: Minor refers to anyone under the age of eighteen.
Note: A certificate must be issued to those who pass the Auction Test but are not purchased when taking part in the Foster's Gift Auction. The certificate will state the reason the person was not purchased, and the person will be prohibited from taking part in future auctions.
Note: Individuals who do not meet the pre-determined standards set for their program will be dismissed from the program.