Chapter Two (Part Two)

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"Are you going to answer the door?"Eva asked.

 I got off the balcony rails and said,"What do you think?"

 "You can open the door and not let her in,"she suggested.

 I snorted." Like that's gonna happen."

 "Then open the door. Act like your not afraid."

"Do you actually think that it would work?" I asked, slumping against the wall, feeling suddenly exhausted. "I mean, she doesn't seem to have a problem with getting rid of her family members, don't you think?"

"Well," Eva shoved me towards the bedroom door,"We'll find out in a few minutes. Me, at least. If it doesn't work, you'll be dead. But don't worry. If you die, I'll make sure you get a nice burial." She pulled me into the hallway,down the stairs,to the front door. I could vigorous pounding from the other side, followed by the ding dong of the the doorbell. Hands trembling, I unlocked and pulled the door open, bracing myself.

The woman on the other side of the door didn't seem so scary. She had childish features and plain brown hair. She had a slender build, a little bit taller than me, putting her at 5'6", give or take a few inches. She wouldn't have been scary at all if it weren't for her wide eyes. They were a shade of forest green, like they  looked the pictures, but no camera could have captured the mad sparkle in them, or the calculating look. She looked like a freakishly overgrown preschooler planning to take over the world. "Samantha," she smiled.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice coming out as a squeak. The woman had this, this sorry look on her face, like the one the social service worker had on, the day she'd come to tell Eva, who'd been at our house that day, that her parent's marriage was falling apart. But she didn't have any right to. I wanted to strangle her. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Who are you?" I managed a fairly normal voice this time.

The woman's expression changed from sympathetic to puzzled."Can't you tell? We look like we're twins." A sick feeling crept into my stomach and tied it into knots."I'm your mother."

I felt ill. I had strived all my life to know everything about my mother. I had wished on every shooting star that came my way that she hadn't actually died and that I'd meet her someday. And then when that actually happened, I found out she was a murderess. "Why would my mother kill my father?" I asked, struggling to keep my voice steady. The enormousness of what had happened finally hit me, and I almost began to cry. I glared at her.

"That was necessary." Her voice almost froze me. It was flat, icy. Emotionless.

"No it wasn't!" I spat, my voice beginning to rise."You killed my dad, and possessed my best friend, and left me when I was a baby! I thought you were dead!"

For a moment, she considered what I said. Her eyes hardened. Finally, she pushed the door open and walked in."Troublemaking brat," I heard her mutter. So much for nice Mom. She led the way to the living room like she had been here many, many times before. She walked in. I was about to follow her when Eva grabbed my arm.

"I'm sorry for the stupid idea," she whispered."Here, take this." She slipped a kitchen knife into my hand, a butcher's knife. I noticed a tiny knife, used for peeling vegetables, in her own hand. She waved it off. "You're gonna need more protection against her." Again, the meaning of the words hit me a little late.

"Do you think we'll have to kill her?" The idea of it horrified me.

Eva shrugged. "Get as much information out of her as you can, then kill her. I'll help." I shook my head, feeling even more confused. Mom was Mom, no matter how evil she was. She couldn't be replaced properly no matter what. Fourteen years of living without a mother had drilled that in pretty well. On the other hand, she had killed my dad. I walked into the room, holding the knife behind my back. Even though it was June, she had turned the electric fire on, sat on the oevrstuffed armchair next to it. I couldn't remember the last time some one did that. It had a fine layer of dust covering it.

"Okay then,"I said, settling into the couch facing her. Eva stood behind me. "Why are you here?"

The woman, sorry, Mom, looked relieved." So you've decided to hear me out. That makes my job a lot easier. I won't have the drag anyone anywhere." She casually unclasped her hands, and I almost screamed. The tiny golden gun she had used to kill Dad was there, and it had been pointed right at me. In case I didn't co-operate. She put the gun away and asked," Do you believe in magic?"

I shook my head vehemently. "No."

She shook her hand slightly, and a flame erupted on her hand. She didn't seem to notice. I glanced behind me and saw Eva staring at it like she was hypnotized. Mom doused it within a second."So?" she asked, as I stared, slack jawed.


Yeah, this isn't the complete chapter either. But I really wanted to post something, and my fingers got cramped, so this is the result.sorry! But I'll update later.

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