Chapter 2 - Sisters

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Outer Space

There is a distant flash of light, from which four glowing objects emerge across the cosmos. As they home in on Earth, three peel off while the fourth heads straight for the planet. It is revealed to be long and cylindrical, something like a missile in shape, with several trailing tentacles.




A fireworks show is in full swing. The craft's brilliant streak descends past the display and below the horizon. In one of the Ferris wheel's cars, holds Robin and Starfire.

She watches the pyrotechnics with complete awe and sighs blissfully. "Beautiful. Tell me again what they are called."

"Fireworks." Robin answered as a few more go off.

Starfire is suddenly concerned. "On my home planet, such explosions would mean the Gordanians were attacking. You are certain Earth is not under attack?"

"Positive. Cotton candy?" He holds the pink stuff out to her.

"The last time I ate a ball of cotton, it was white. And it did not taste very--"

"This is different." He pulls off a wad and pops it into his mouth.

Cautiously, she follows suit and realizes it is indeed different from the cotton ball. "Mmmm..." She then yelps in surprise. "It vanished!"

Robin chuckles. "Yeah. It'll do that."

Starfire sighs again. "When I first came to this planet, I did not think I would ever fit in. Earth was full of strange things. But now, I see that--"

There is a big glare from the fireworks, which caused the Boy Wonder to cheer. "Here comes the finale! Yes!" In the sky, the display has turned into a fusillade of redoubled intensity. "Whoo-hoo-hoo! Amazing!"

"Earth is full of amazing things, too."

"Best planet I've ever been to."

The craft that was in space sweeps past the Ferris wheel and yanks Starfire from her seat in its tentacles. She is carried screaming into the sky.


The craft streaks over the bay, with the carnival now in the distant background.

Starfire struggles against the hold on her. "Wherever you are taking me, I do not wish to go!" She fires a starbolt at the tentacles' base.

The craft stops in midair, crackling all over with the energy of the shot, and she extricates herself and bugs out. The device goes after her.

In one of the carnival game booths, you are seen playing an old ring-toss game. You throw a ring at one of the bottles only for it to bounce off the neck of it. The next one you threw rattles down on target.

"Alright!" You were handed your prize which is a huge stuffed teddy bear.

You stroll down the pier, the bear in hand, coming across Beast Boy and Cyborg high-fiving each other. Raven leans against a post, her arms crossed and her expression showing her low opinion of the whole exercise.

"Told you we'd win you a prize." Beast Boy gives her a huge stuffed chicken and it bawks.

"A giant chicken. I must be the luckiest girl in the world." She said sarcastically.

You chuckle at this. "Actually, Raven, this stuffed animal is a classic. It's way better than a chicken." You gave her the stuffed teddy bear.

"Wow, I am the luckiest girl in the world." She said sarcastically once more. Trying to keep her grip so the stuffed toys wouldn't fall, she presses on the teddy bear, unknowingly activating it's voice function.

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