When Maris parents won a once in a life time opportunity to to open a bakery in NYC . But Mari cant come so where can she go? Guess what her parents did...? She talk to Gabriel and she is going to stay at their house for about a year! How is Mari g...
"Adrien, Marinette!! Time to go!" Natalie called from the hallway.
"Coming Natalie!" I shouted back.
I said goodbye to plagg and grabbed my 3 suit cases. What! Its the model in me! I walked out to see Mari in the most beltful out fit! Although London is not to far from Paris, its a lot warmer there. It was funny because we were kind of matching! I was wearing a brown sweater with a black hoodie under . Pared with light brown pants.
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Mari was wearing a white crop top with different shades of brown patches as pants. Mari and Natalie started to go down the stairs, but I just stud there looking at here. She was pretty. But Mari yelled and that pushed me out of y day dream. I ran down the stairs caching up.
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We were in the limo when I decided to say something. "they Mari, how'd you sleep?"
" O-Oh! Goo-Good! How about you?" She shuddered out.
"That's good! Meh i was to exited to go on the trip with you today! I'm usually alone!" I was really happy about her being there.
*Blushes and says nothing* I just brushed it off because we were at the airport. Gorilla opened the door and got are luggage. As we were walking into the airport, she looked cold, so i dug into my back pack to find a brown sweater that said Adrien Agrest on the sleeve.
" Hey Mari! You look kind of cold, want my sweater?" I asked with a huge smile on my face.
"No no! It fine! What if you get cold?" She said as she rubbed her arms.
"No! I insist! I am already wearing a sweater! Plus if I get cold ill just hug you!" I said smirking.
I held out the sweater for her to put her arms in. "Thanks Adrien!" She said blushing a bright pink.
At this point i was blushing to. but we kept walking.
Maris POV
We were walking on the plain. I was still blushing. Hold up... i swear i just saw rose! Meh, probably just a random person. She also could just be on the plane to, but that would not make since ya know.
OMG!!! First class! Yayyyyy! Meh and Adrien walked to find our seat numbers. We were right next to each other. it was only like a hour, but it would feel like forever next to Adrien! Our seats weren't as fancy because it was only an hour flight, but they were still good!
To be honest, i always get kind of nervous taking off and landing. I would hold my mom or dads hand. I was a little to nervous to hold Adrien's, but we were not going to take off for another 10 minutes! So if i change my mind i will.
I started shaking because the captain said there was 5 more minutes until takeoff.
No ones POV
Adrien started to notice that Mari was scared when the 5 more minutes sigh came on. So Adrien garbed her hand and squesed it a little showing that it will be ok. She started to blush. They took off as the two people in love help hands.
Little did they know when she was rose, see really saw rose. The whole class was going to meet the queen too but it was a surprise! So they were all in second class exited.
Back With Mari and Adrien...
Mari decided to sleep it off because she was not a big fan of planes, that why see did not have the window seat. (BTW they are by the restrooms.) Mari feel asleep pretty quickly, what she did not realize is that she was still holding Adrien's hand. Adrien did not realize it either, he had his headphones' in listening to music. Still holding Maris hands. When he started to fall asleep to. Then he then felt weight an his shoulder.
But he had already fallen asleep and his head feel onto hers. They were so cute.
Lucas POV
*RINGGGGGGGG* "HAhahahahha! That so funny! Oh! Gatta take this. BRB!" Chloe said talking to Sabrina. She walked off on the phone. Not going to lie she was kind of pretty, despite how mean she was.
*20 mins later*
"Hey, has anyone seen Chloe? She's been a long time." Max said.
"I will go check! I have to use the bathroom anyways." I told the group.
"Ok!" Most responded. I was walking to the bathrooms to hear some one crying. *Knock Knock*
"Oh is it?" I hear a voice in between sobs. That was definitely Chloe.
"its Luca, can i come in?" I asked hopinly.
"Why not!" She said sad. I walked into the bathroom and saw her sitting on the floor. I quickly sat down next to her.
"Hey! What's wrong????"
"Well, My mom wants nothing to do with me or my dad and is leaving to live in Now York City forever.... My OWN mom!" She said well sobbing even more. I quickly rapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug. It was a little weird because i barley new her but i think she was fine with it.
"Hey hey! Its going to be ok! A mom who is like that is just a bad mom!" I said not trying to be mean.
"Everyone in school hates me because I am being me! Idk what to do!"
"Its a short flight, lets go back to our seats, you can then tell me everything."
*After Chloe telling me everthing.*
Ill always be here for you Chlo! Just try to relax for the rest of the flight! You can stay in this seat for the rest of the flight if you want!" She nodded and put her head on my solder. I could feel a blush creeping onto my face but did not care.
Maris POV
I woke to me half laying on Adrien. I did not freak-out to much, but it did spoke me little. That's when I realized we were holding hands. I was sad that I had to let go but i had to pee, so i tapped his nose let go of his hand and walked to the bathroom. I came back to the seats to Adrien smirking and the speaker that we had 5 minutes till the plane was landing.
I held tight to Adrien's hand as we got off the plane. This was going to be the best two weeks of my life!
Hey guys! Sorry i have not posted in awhile! I have been busy! I will be posting about more doe! -Joz