When Maris parents won a once in a life time opportunity to to open a bakery in NYC . But Mari cant come so where can she go? Guess what her parents did...? She talk to Gabriel and she is going to stay at their house for about a year! How is Mari g...
Marinette had just woke up. She got out of bed to pet her bunny tikki. Ever since they defeated Hawkmoth, plagg and tikki turned into regular animals. She walked to her closet to find what she was going to wear for that day. She picked out a black cropped sweater with blue jeans and boots.
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She then brushed her teeth and feed Tikki. She then did her hair into braid ponytails.
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"MARI!" Her mom said from down the stairs in a serious tone.
"COMING MOM! HOLD ON!" She said putting Tikki into her cage.
She then put on her shoes and headed downstairs. "Mari we have something serious to talk to you about." She said kinda sad.
"Ok, Hit me!" Mari said happy and censored at the same time.
" ok so don't freak out, you know how we entered that contest a few months ago and got close but lost?"
"Uhhhhhhh, Yah? What does this have to do with anything?"
"Well, the person who won sadly got into a car accident and broke a lot of bones. So he can not go to New York to start the Store. We were second runner up but sense he can't make it we were picked to go instead..."
"OMG THATS AWESOME! When do you guys leave?" Mari said exited.
"Umm, That's the thing Mari, We have to leave at 4 today..."
"WHAT! But bu- where will i stay! I can't stay here anyone!"
"Well. SURPRISE ! Uhhh, you'll be staying with....uh-"
"Mom WHO!"
"a- ADRIEN!"
"ADRIEN!!! OMG" Mari said in shock.
"You better go pack, there going to be here a 6."
Mari ran upstairs without thinking. She had mixed emotions about this. She was going to be living with her crush! Going to school in the same CAR with her crush, and will have to be in the same room with her crush. How is she NOT going to stutter 24/7! Well i have like 6 hours to pack so ima quick text alya about this.
After about an hour of encouraging paragraphs from alya she started to pack. "Tikki am i going to do?"
(BTW Tikki can still talk, same with plagg.) As she was packing a bunch of stuff. Almost all the stuff she had. "MARI! We need to go!" Her mom called from down stairs almost crying.
Mari was about break down into tears to. "Mom, Dad i'm going to miss you so so much! I love you! And i will definitely come visit for holidays." Marinette said sobbing.
"I'm so so sorry we have to leave so sudden and leave you hear. But you need education more and plus, it costs more in NYC. " My mom said
"We love you more that the world ut were going to be late." Tom said kissing Maris cheek.
"BYE! WE LOVE YOU" They said well crying and walking out the room. At this point mari was sobbing. But she had to make dinner for herself before Adrien got there. She made it and ate, then she watched Netflix and waited for them to get there.