Chapter 5: The News....

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  Maris POV                                                                           

"Good morning Ms. Dupein Chain and Adrien. I came back earlier because of a dinner we have to go to with the Surogis. Marinette you will be attending to." Gabriel said as we came downstairs. 

It was such a surprise but i was excited. Wait doesn't that mean that the Kagami are going to be there? I cant tell if that's a good, or bad thing. I shook it off and sat down. It was a normal breakfast until, " Mari and Adrien, later an hour before we leave for the dinner, your outfits that have been made by me will be in your rooms." He said in one breath. 

"Thank you Father!" Adrien told his dad before getting up to go to his room. 

Fast forward to dinner because I'm bored. 

Also these are their outfits! I had to make them myself ofc! 



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As they walked into the machin. It was even bigger than Adrien's. Then we walked into a dinning room with like 20 chairs. And there in 2 of them sat Kagami and her mom. Ahhh crap! We all know that she has a huge crush on Adrien, so this should be interesting. 

I could see Kagami's face glare at me as soon as she saw me. But the good thing is that we sat on the other side of the table from them. "You guys may sit by Kagimai if you want." Gabriel told us.

What kagmi was wearing, she always wears things like this aparetly

What kagmi was wearing, she always wears things like this aparetly

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We walked over to them and Adrien got the chair for me. I wasn't hating this so far. I could see Kagamis teeth grinding. The rest of the time Kagami kept trying to flirt with Adrien but he did not realize it. " I have a surprise for you and Adrien! The Queen of London Invited us to go to her birthday! And we are leaving tomorrow! Tonight pack for two weeks of clothes." Gabriel told us. 

"Oh my godness! Thank you father! We will have so much fun!" Adrien practically screamed.

"I don't know what to say Mr. Agrest!" I squealed. 

"Oh please call me Gabriel!"

OMG I was already living in the same house of my idol and now i got to call him by his real name and go to LONDON with him.  "I will be busy during the plain ride and most of the time before the queens birthday because i am designing her dress. So i will have a seperate hotel room so i can concentrate well i work on things." 

Kagimi was SUPER ad after that. So we all left because it was getting late. 


Adriens POV

Im going to London with Mari! In the same Hotel room with my cru- no no she does not like me that way!  Ok time to pack 2 weeks! And yay a flight to london with my dad- wait and Mari. Maybe it won't be that boring. To be honest when Kagami was flirting with me at dinner, i HATED it. I don't know how to tell her i don't like her.  But maybe ill be able to tell Mari i like her....? NO YOU DONT LIKE HER! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok ima bring my BEST SUIT.  Again a room with Mari? Whatever i need to stop thinking about it. 

Wait Kagmis coming too, and she now knows we are sharing a room! Ahhhhhh CRAP. Lord Help me.  Know what, ima pack and just go right to bed! 

Marinettes POV

Ok so i just woke up and we are skipping breakfast and i am going to finish packing and then we leave! BUT I FOGOT TO TELL ALYA! Ah crap! So i quickly grab my phone bc i still have like 3 hours till we leave.   

Their texts 

Mari: Hey alya i just found out last night and i had to pack but we r leaving for london for 2 weeks im so so sorry i did not tell you sooner! See you in two weeks luv! 

Alya: Girl its fine luv you! *Wink face*

*End of text convo*

Wait i thought she would be more mad, she up to something. 

(And so am i....;) heheheh)

I did not think about it to much and got dressed. It was a pretty short air plain ride but she put on a grey sweater with a pink overall skirt. 

It was one of her fav outfits so she was exited. She decided to chill out until it was time to leave, so she scrolled through tik tok learning new dances. 

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! And again i did make this chapter awhile ago, but i tried to fix it as much as i could lol. -Joz

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