If we never met (Part 2)

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Jo pov
I woke up this morning thinking of hero, hell I went to bed thinking of hero. He's so sweet and kind, and not to mention he's sexy as fuck. When I walked up to the bar and saw him I was nervous but I just played along and I kind of eased into comfort with him, not to mention he's my neighbor now. I'm looking for something to wear on our date while I wait for my friends Khadijah and inanna to come do my makeup, I told them I'd do it myself but they insisted on coming over to do it for me so I agreed. "Alright babe, we're here with the makeup" khad says as her and inanna come inside closing the door "luckily we work in this makeup store with a great boss, and we're just using her makeup" inanna says referring to me as their boss. "Guys I'm not just your boss I'm also your friend," I say to them laughing "we know but you still gave us both jobs when we needed them and we love you for that" khad says and hugs me "ok ok, done with the soppy shit on to the sexy shit" she says pulling away from me "I can't find anything to wear" I sigh and inanna looks at me dramatically and says "it's my time" she gets up and runs over to my closet and within minutes she prances back out with an outfit and shoes "how the hell? I just finished her foundation how did you do it so fast?" Khad says smiling "I have my ways" inanna sets the clothes in front of me and plops on the floor next to me "ok all done" Khad says squealing. She did amazing my face looks natural and dewy with just a bit of highlighter and mascara and she topped it off with some clear gloss. My hair is in It's natural waves but khad pushed it behind my ears and combed through it "ok now put the outfit on!" Inanna says and I go into the bathroom to change. When I look in the mirror I'm wearing ripped mom jeans and a black buckled crop top and it's paired with a white jacket and white nikes. I walk out of the bathroom and the girls gasp "you look so fucking hot!" Khad says "if I were a guy I'd be drooling over you right now, no fuck that I'd be trying to hit it right now" inanna says with her hand on her chest. Our heads turn when we hear a knock at the door, the girls jump up and do some touch ups and I grab my phone and take a deep breath and I open the door. Hero looks so good, he's wearing a white shirt and jeans, his usual but he makes it look so damn delectable. "You look stunning" hero says lowly with dark eyes "thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" I say nudging him in the shoulder and I say goodbye to my friends and we make our way out to his car and off to the skating rink.

We arrive at the skating Rink and hero pays for our admission. The woman at the counter hands us our skates and we head inside and sit at a table to tie our skates "you sure you can handle this Langford?" Hero says jokingly "oh I'm sure" I say and I get up making my way over to the rink. I place my foot On the slippery floor and the song if we never met by John k begins and i start to glide along with the sound of the music  "I don't think you can keep up fiennes-tiffin" I say to hero smirking and he laughs and does a little one leg up trick. Wanna show off, let's show off. I turn around on my skates and I begin skating backwards and I smile at hero as his jaw is on the floor and I turn back around letting him catch up with me "where the fuck did you learn to do that?" Hero says shocked, "my dad wasn't around so my mom always took me and my sister skating on Father's Day to keep our minds off of him" I say shrugging "I'm sorry, my mom was never around she left after she had my sister" hero says sadly and I look at him and I give him a small smile "well they're missing a hell of a lot plus we can skate" I say sarcastically and hero and I burst out laughing. It feels so natural to be laughing with him, normally a first date for me would be, awkward and then a one time thing, but with hero it feels so right, like we're just great friends who haven't seen each other in a long time. Hero and I skate for a few more minutes before he starts skating slower "getting tired already fiennes-tiffin?" I ask smirking and he smiles and rolls his eyes playfully "you win, I'm tired" he says and we both laugh "ok let's go" I grab his hand and he helps me out of the rink and we return our skates to the lady at the counter. I climb into the car, and hero is staring at me intensely "I really like you, Jo" hero says letting out a breath "I really like you to, it feels like we've known each other forever" I say and hero's eyes are focused on my lips before he leans in and kisses me. I slip my tongue into his mouth and our tongues move together and hero groans when I move my hands to his hair and I gently tug I climb over to his lap and his hands grip my hips. He moves my hair to the side and begins kissing and sucking on My neck. I let out a small moan and I flip the script on him and I begin kissing his neck being sure to leave a mark "fuck Jo," he groans and I smile as I continue licking and sucking his neck. I pull away and hero gives me one last peck "how can one woman, be so perfect" he says to me and I smile. "I think I love you" hero blurts out and my eyes go wide. In a short period of time I've somehow fallen in love with this kind, grumpy, and loving man "I think I love you, I don't think, I know" I say softly still sitting in hero's lap, with a leg on each side of his waist. "do you know what id be doing if id never met you?" he says to me with his head down "whatever it is, i love you and i dont care. If we never met id still be miserable and lonely, crying myself to sleep every night" i say to him and he smiles and kisses me again. i pull away, grinning like an idiot and i climb off of his lap. on our drive home i cant help but think of what my life was before i met hero. i was in an abusive relationship a few months ago. the man, i was with at the time, hit me, told me i wasn't good enough, shit, he even slept with girls and I put up with it. i tried to leave him but every time he threatened with worse and worse things, he even told me he'd kill his self when i tried to leave him, so i stayed. i know im probably to damaged for hero, and i know damn well i dont deserve him but, he stole my heart in only a few days and i know that even if we dont last forever id never be able to move on from him. "baby, you ok? we're back" hero says rubbing my back "im ok, sorry just spaced for a minute." i say with a small smile, he knows something is wrong and i can tell by the way hes looking at me "are you sure, jo?" he asks his eyes furrowed in concern "im sure now come on we can order a pizza and watch movies in my place" i say and hero smiles and nods. My mood automatically changes when i know i get to spend more time with hero, when im with him i feel flustered but i also feel comfortable, he makes me feel so beautiful and appreciated, which makes me happy. "So what kind of pizza do you like?" Hero asks me "I love pineapple pizza, it's so good" I say and hero scrunches his nose up, it's adorable. "This may be a breaker Josephine" hero says playfully and I open my apartment door and I'm relieved when I see that my friends cleaned up for me, god I love them. Hero walks in behind me and sits on the couch while I reach into my purse to get my phone "ok, since you, being the heathen you are, dislike pineapples on pizza which I must say is amazing, what should we get?" I ask him smiling and hero chuckles and takes the phone from me "hi, can I get a pineapple pizza" I tilt my head in confusion and hero smiles at me and hangs up the phone after giving the man his information "I hate pineapples on pizza, but for you I'd eat shit if I had to" he says and I giggle and I give him a small kiss, but it's not enough. I deepen our kiss and hero takes it as the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth our tongues move in perfect sync and soon after our kiss quickly turns to hunger and hero kisses me rougher. I love it. I sit on his lap, with a leg on each side, and I begin grinding down on him. Hero groans into my ear and I feel his breath in my ear, I decide to push him a little further since I know this is driving him crazy. My hands move down to his waistband and I tease him and I graze my fingers along the bottom of his stomach "fuck, Jo" hero moans out and I smile. I bite his earlobe gently. His hands move up and he massages my breast making me throw my head on his shoulder. I snap the buckle on my shirt and hero's eyes go wide and I reach my hand down rubbing him through his pants. Hero takes off his shirt and latches his mouth onto my breast, teasing and flicking his tongue. I moan and whimper as he bites my nipple gently. He reaches his hand into my pants and begins rubbing my clit "you're so wet, is all of this for me?" Hero whispers huskily into my ear "mhm" i say and I bite my lip making him groan and smash his lips against mine. Hero rubs his fingers on my clit and slips his finger inside of me making me moan his name "hero" I moan and he grips my hips with his free hand and I grind down on his fingers while he kisses my neck. "God, hero" I whimper and hero smirks at me. Two can play at that game. I slip my hand into heros pants and I pull them down just enough. I begin stroking his impressive length, hero moans my name as I'm doing the same with his. I move my hand to his tip teasing him "fuck, Jo don't do that" he moans out and I smirk at him and continue to stroke him. "Cum for me, love" hero says and with that I'm screaming his name and we're both riding out our highs together. Once we've both caught our breath hero looks at me "damn" he says making me giggle "yeah, damn" I say and I give him a small kiss and climb off of his lap. "Erm, would you like to stay over?" I ask while picking at my pillow on the couch and hero smiles at me like I've just said the best thing "of course, I'm gonna run over to my apartment to get something to sleep in." he gets up and runs out of my apartment closing the door. i decide to get comfortable too, so i get up and grab a sports bra with a cougar on it and some shorts and i look in the mirror, pulling my hair into a ponytail. hero walks back into my apartment in basketball shorts and a t-shirt, he looks me up and down and licks his lips, and for some i feel insecure in what im wearing i run into my room and i grab an over-sized sweater and i run into the bathroom, shutting the door and studying my body in the mirror. Does my stomach have a muffin top? am i not tall enough? or are my breasts not big enough? I've always been pretty insecure with my body, but I've never felt downright disgusting. then it hits me, hero could have any girl he wants, there were girls in the club with bigger breasts than me, bigger butts, flatter stomachs, and who were more attractive than me. but for some reason he chose me, i sit on the floor and i begin to cry, all the words of my ex-boyfriend swarming through my head. "lose weight, you're getting a little wide Josephine" "you know shaila has the most beautiful body her waist is small and she has the most amazing features." "you'll never be enough for any man, im the only man who could ever want your sorry ass".  i pull my sweater over me and i pull the hood over my head and i begin to sob into my hands, i hear the door open and i look up. hero is standing at the door and he immediately rushes over to me and pulls me up "come on, love its ok, I'm here" hero picks me up and I wrap my arms around his neck and I sob while he makes his way to the couch and sits down. He cradles me in his arms and wipes the tears away from my face "what's wrong baby?" Hero asks me, running his hands through my hair "nothing, I'm just not feeling like myself" I sniffle and hero tilts my chin making me look at him "tell me what's wrong, please?" He asks me and continues running his hands through my hair "I was just thinking, you could have any girl, and there were a lot of prettier girls than me with better bodies and features in the club but for some reason you still chose me, why?" I ask him, playing with the loose string on his shorts "I didn't pick you, it was fate. Your the only one for me Jo, whenever I'm in a room with you the only person I see is you. Everything that's wrong and fucked up in the world is Gone and I just see you. I have this need to be close to you, to feel you, to love you, and to care for you. I need you just as you need me, and you are by far the most beautiful woman in the universe. Don't ever doubt yourself, I've never loved anyone, your the only one I love. You have my heart and I know I don't deserve you, but I'm selfish and I don't care what happens all I want is you" he says and kisses my forehead. I have tears in my eyes and my heart is basically running around my house right now "I love you so much." I say and I take a deep breath "i was in an physically and emotionally abusive relationship before i moved here, he'd tease me, threaten me, hit me, and he slept with other girls. i tried to leave him so many times but every time he threatened me, and each time i tried to leave, he hit me with a worse threat. so when i finally broke up with him i moved here and i met you" i say out of breath and hero looks at me and i can see the anger in his eyes but they soften when he looks into my eyes "i love you so much and if i would never let anything happen to you, if i ever find the fucker who did these things i will kill him. Jo, i wouldn't even know what love is if i hadn't met you, you saved me. will you be my girlfriend?' hero asks me and he nervously looks at me. i kiss him "id love to, i love you" i say and hero smiles. my heart is leaping in my chest. hero takes my hoodie off and tosses it aside, he kisses my collarbone, right above my chest, and he places one last kiss on my stomach "you're absolutely stunning in every way" he says and i smile and hide my face in his neck "ok lets eat the pizza now" i say and i climb off of him.i walk into the kitchen grabbing the pizza and bringing it into the living room and just as im about to sit on the couch hero pulls me to his lap and smiles and we watch movies and cuddle for the rest of the night.

Hero pov
6 months later
Today's the day I ask jo to marry me, I know it's only been 6 months but I love her with everything I have and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She makes me feel so happy and loved all I want is her. She's coming over today and she thinks we're having a date night but I'm actually going to propose today. There's a knock at the door and I already know it's jo I light the candles leading to my room and I place the ring I bought her by the roller skates and I run to open the door. Jo walks in and her eyes immediately light up "hero, what is all this?" She asks and I smile "follow the candles" I say and she looks back at me with a grin plastered across her face she follows the candles and when I hear her gasp I know she's found it "Josephine Langford, I didn't know what love was or how to love when I met you, but you showed me, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, your the only person I'll ever love, will you marry me?" I ask her while I'm on my knees holding the ring "yes, yes! I love you so fucking much baby" she yells and jumps into my arms "I love you" I say kissing her "do you wanna know what's weird though? I came over here in plans to give you some big news" she says smiling with tears in her eyes "I'm pregnant" she says and i think my heart explodes "really? We're having a baby?" I say smiling "babies, it's twins!" She says "are you serious" I ask her smiling and she nods I scoop her into my arms and I kiss her. This woman is my heaven, I can't even imagine what it'd be like if we never met.

Jo pov
1 year later
"Baby, can you go get the twins!" I shout from the kitchen as I'm making our babies bottles. Hero comes down stairs with tate and Quinn in his arms and they're still sound asleep in their little jumpers and socks. Hero walks over to their rockers and he places them in the little rocking swing. "Good morning, love" hero says kissing me on the neck"
"good morning" I say kissing his cheek "I can't believe they're almost 4 months already, damn time flies" he says wrapping his arms around my waist "I know, it feels like just yesterday they were little popcorns in my stomach" I say sighing "we made some adorable babies" hero says chuckling, and I giggle "yeah we did, remember when we found out the gender? You were ecstatic" I say smiling "yeah, the gender didn't really matter to me, as long as our baby was healthy and happy. I was happy, but we got lucky and got a boy and a girl" he says grinning "shit I gotta go to the store today for more diapers" I say "I'll go you just stay here with our babies" hero says and I nod and I kiss him and he slips his tongue into my mouth. I pull away when I hear one of the babies babbling hero trails behind me as I make my way to the living room "you guys have impeccable timing huh?" Hero says and I laugh I pick up tate and hero picks up Quinn and we cradle them in our arms Quinn wraps his small fingers around hero's nose making me laugh as tate uses her small fingers to play with my hair "are we toys to you guys now" hero says chuckling and I giggle at him. We made it to heaven, it's perfect.

As hero and I are lying down after putting the twins to sleep, I think about what would've happened if we never met. Well it's simple really, we'd never have found happiness as great as this.
Jo's outfit in the date

Authors note!!!Hey loves! This made me cry while writing it was quite adorable🥺 I really hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm working on another chapter for bts now but I'm probably just going to multi task

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Authors note!!!
Hey loves! This made me cry while writing it was quite adorable🥺 I really hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm working on another chapter for bts now but I'm probably just going to multi task. Tell me what you think in the comments love you guys!!
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Xoxo Taylor

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