French Kisses

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honestly this whole moving thing is shit, every time i begin to be somewhat happy. my jackass stepmother convinces my dad that she wants a bigger house or a better scenery. im Josephine, my father is one of the wealthiest lawyers in existence, he owns 3 different beach houses and 20 different animals, all foreign. now to the average teenage girl, this all is amazing, designer clothes, shoes, new nails whenever she'd want them. but im not the average teenage girl, im anything but normal, im every bit of different there is, long story short im just downright bad ass. im pulled from my thoughts when my seemingly dark room is flooded with light "jo, come downstairs and get your mom a martini" Giselle, the jackass stepmother i was talking about, thats her, coming into my room in a bright pink whore dress "first of all, your not my mom and im no ones personal servant, and second get the fuck out and go get your own goddamn martini" i say with a devious smirk on my face "josephine langford, you know you shouldn't disobey me. when i tell you to get something get it, no debate needed" Giselle says in a phony fake french accent "well when i tell you to drop the phony accent, will you drop, then walk your pink balloon ass out of my room and make your own martini" i say and Giselle slams my door. now i know that sounded a bit cruel, but trust me the things shes done to me are much worse. when i was about 14, she told me i would never amount to anything and that id always be a nobody. then my dad walked in the room, that plastic bitch barbie said that shed caught me with a boy in my room, and my dad believed that bullshit. Where the actual hell would i have hidden a boy at in my house. my dad grounded me for a month without any proof that i did that, yet he still believed her, for years id put up with being mistreated because ive always lived by my mothers words "have courage and be kind" those were her final words before she died of lung cancer.but after so long i grew tired and i began to live by my own words "if you dont leave a good taste in someones mouth with a hint of fear, what the fuck are you doing with your life?" it just means be kind but also let people know they cant run over you. "josephine get your boxes and start putting them in the moving van!" i hear my dad yell from downstairs. i groan and i pick up my boxes that ive packed and i get ready to move into this shithole of a town.

3 weeks later

well, todays the day i start a new school. i am fully aware that there will be a whole lot of staring and plenty of whispers but honestly i couldn't give two shits about what anyone has to say about me. after literally standing in my bathroom mirror encouraging myself, i walk to my closet and i begin to browse through my clothes to find a decent outfit. i decide on a black half cut top and some black and white jeans i brought about a month ago. i lay the outfit i chose out on my bed and i go into the bathroom to do my hair. i decide on messy beach waves and i go to get dressed. i find a pair of heeled lace up boots that are probably my favorite pair of shoes.

"ok im out, ill see you guys later!" i shout from downstairs, i grab my keys and i get ready to head to school. when i pull up at the school, i get out of my car and i scan the building. its huge i honestly dont know how im going to find my way around. i walk into the school and i wander around for hours trying to find my classroom. i finally find the room number and i walk into the classroom, the entire class looks at me and i get some good looks, some bad ones but overall all eyes are on me. "hi, can i help you?" the woman in the gray dress says "uh yeah, is this AP English literature?" i say. this is so goddamn awkward "yes it is and you must be Josephine, transfer student, correct?" she says sweetly "yes thats me, but i prefer jo" i say with a small smile "ok jo, you can sit... in oh the seat next to hero" she says and she points to a guy with dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. he has his headphones in so he doesnt hear anything thats going on. i walk over to the table and i set my bag down on the floor before sitting down and pulling out my phone "are you new?" i hear a soft, husky voice next to me and i look up from my phone "erm, yeah, did you not hear the entire conversation i had with mrs.lyle about getting a damn seat?" i say with a grin "i did not. but since i missed your introduction, whats your name?" the boy says to me "josephine, but everyone calls me jo" i say, well since he knows my name im expecting to hear his "well, jo im hero" he says to me and scans my body "thats a interesting outfit" he says and i glare at him "i didnt mean in a bad way i meant the outfit is so much different and classy from what girls at this school wear. im used to seeing practically naked girls walking through the halls" he says with a chuckle and i giggle. what the hell? since when do i giggle? this is weird. "yeah well im every bit of different, there is get used to it" i say and he smiles and bites his lip i blush and look away. okay honestly this giggly schoolgirl shit im doing has to stop, why is this happening, damn it? me and hero talk for the entire class, paying no attention to everything else. hm, theres something about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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