Run Girl Run

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Mr. Summers and Logan tugged the blast doors open and were the first to step through. I followed after with the Professor, he decided it would be best if I came out as soon as possible seeing as I was fit to explode from the tight fit space. I've never been one to love confined spaces and this one definitely nearly drove me insane.

Dust still flowed down the metal stairs up towards the house. Well, what was left of it. Where the magnificent mansion once stood, now lay mounds and mounds of rubble and ash. I don't know why but my eyes started to tear up. This place was the closest thing I had ever had to a home and I had just started getting attached to it.

Logan moved a plank which was miraculously still intact and walked out onto the lawn which used o be a field of luscious green grass, but was now a giant patch of burnt ash and still burning plants.

In the center of where the house once stood were two huge metal bars, stuck in the ground on opposing angles to make an X. Magneto did this it was the only answer. Who else would have bothered to leave a taunting symbol. A light breeze picked up and my bronze hair whipped around my face. Everyone slowly filed out of the shelter, each face falling at the sight of their home.

"Professor?" Rogue and a couple other students, especially the younger ones, looked towards him with sadness and worry etched into their faces.

"It'll all be okay children." He didn't believe that. I could see it in his face. And I didn't like it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a glint of light coming from beyond the tree line. Someone was there. Making sure no one was watching, I snuck off from the back towards whatever it was I had seen.

Everyone was too busy worrying about the exploded mansion that I was able to make it unnoticed. I sound came from my left and I swung my head to see what it was. I saw a shimmer of blue and ran towards it. It must be Mystique, here to gloat or something about what her and Magneto had done. My arms swung back and forth, swiping away bushes and branches out of my face. I reached a clearing and she was gone.

"Looking for someone?" I swiveled on my heel to see the familiar scaly face before she injected a needle into my neck. An uncomfortable pinching pain was felt in my neck and I felt my hand flick up to pull the syringe out. My vision went fuzzy and my thoughts blurred together. My legs failed me and I felt myself collapsing to the floor. Mystique caught me before I reached the ground and the last thing I saw was light streaming through the gaps in the leaves from the trees above.


The scene was all too familiar as I woke up in a strange building. Although this time I wasn't tied to a chair. I had my arms strung up with chains connecting to the side walls. They were tied in a way that I could not reach the metal with my claws so there was no way out. My feet were cuffed to the wall behind me and the only thing keeping me upright were the restraints on both wrists.

"Welcome back my dear." Oh no. The familiar icy voice brought my eyes up from the ground to face the wrinkly bastard who did this last time. "Now I mean you no harm-"

"Bullshit. If you meant no harm then why was the academy blown up, I was knocked out and kidnapped, again, and now I'm chained up by my wrists. No harm my ass." His lip curled in annoyance and disgust, probably at my attitude or language. These old guys never seem to like my habits.

"I did not attack the school. If you are going to make accusations, make them correct." His tone shocked me. It wasn't scary it was just a super serious and all of a sudden I no longer felt like giving attitude. "Now if you wouldn't mind listening to what I have to say, we can get you released from your bonds." I gave him a scowl but said nothing, agreeing to him terms and staying silent.

"Good, where shall we begin?"


Logan's POV

I knew exactly who did this as soon as I saw the metal X. Only Magneto would bother with taunting us like that.

"Logan I know what you are thinking but lets not jump to conclusions." The professor wheeled up beside me.

"Conclusions? What other possibility is there? It couldn't be more obvious who did this."

"True." Scott, being an asshole, joined the conversation. "But the question is why? Why attack now?"

"Ah, because he can. Isn't that why he's always done it?" I knew that wasn't true as I said it. He always had a reason. Protect mutant brother, destroy normal humans, blah blah blah.

"But it doesn't make sense. He's never attacked us like this before. At a school full of mutant children, it's not his style."

"Scott is right." The Professor stated as if trying to convince me.

"Yeah well I still think it's him." They knew how stubborn I could be so they didn't go any further. I looked around at all the students. They seemed unharmed, some coughed at the settling dust and some wiped dirt off their clothes and hair. I wondered how Morgan was doing. Our situation had been pretty awkward lately. We had just gotten close and I had ruined it. Although to be fair it wasn't exactly my fault. I had seen her with that no-good kid Johnny. I knew what he had done to her on one of her first days and I wasn't about to forgive him for it anytime soon. I mean, what did she even see in him?

But I think this awkwardness had gone on long enough. Plus what better excuse to talk to her other than the wreckage of the entire school. Right?

I looked around to find her, scouting through the crowd of kids but no sight. I caught Rogue and asked where she was.

"I don't know," she responded. "She was one of the first people out and I haven't seen her since." Johnny came out from around her with concern written on his face. God I wanted to punch his teeth out.

"Are we talking about Morgan? I've been looking for her but can't find her." Great. Just fucking perfect.

"Looks like our little escape artist has flown the coop once again." I slowly turn around to face the Professor who seems way to calm when one of his newest students has gone missing.

Fuck. Not this again. Morgan's disappearing act was getting real old. This time, we didn't have Cerebro to aid us in finding her. My mind was blank from ideas. To be honest, I wasn't trying very hard to think of a way to find her. If she wanted to run off and get herself killed, if that was even possible, that was her choice.

"You know where she's gone Logan." The smooth voice of the professor interrupted my thoughts.

"Uh, no. No I don't. And I don't really care either."

"Think. She is more like you than you realize. What did you first think when you saw this mess?" I sighed. I didn't have the energy to do this. But I played along anyway.

"Well, I saw the metal and knew it was Magneto and felt..." I stopped. God fucking dammit here we go again.

A/N: I keep getting notifications of yall adding my story to your lists but not getting any votes :( do yall just not like it or... Please remember to vote, it takes like 2 seconds

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