(1) apartment

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hitch swung the wii controller, playing tenis on the tv she had put into the living room in your new apartment.

boxes still littered the place from when you both got lazy packing, and any time you got the sudden urge to try and clean it hitch told you not to worry about it. she said it give the apartment 'character'.

"i met our neighbor." she said, finishing her game. she pointed to the wall behind you, which that was your room.

"the neighbor i'm like right beside of?" you asked and hitch nodded, throwing the controller down on the table and sitting next to you opening a water.

"his name is eren jaeger, and he said he'd try his best to be more quiet." she said pulling out her phone, and you could only nod and take her word for it.

hopefully whoever it is does stay quiet, because this year you decided to focus on your studies. and you don't need a distraction while studying.

your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you checked to see a text from marco.

i'm here, and i have no idea where i'm going.

stay right there, i'll come help.

ok hurry.

"i'll be right back, marco got lost." you said standing, pushing your phone into your back pocket.

"ok, i'll be here.. studying." she said opening a bag of chips, switching the tv onto netflix.

"studying what? a bag of cheetos?" you asked rolling your eyes, and this made hitch hold her hand up telling you to shut up.

you flipped her off before leaving your apartment, and when you turned the corner you noticed someone almost run into you.

"watch where you're going." you scold, this made the person look up to you from his phone. and you immediately thought he was hot. long hair down a little past his shoulders, he had green eyes that stared daggers into you, and he was tall.

he didn't say anything, just looked down at you. this made you push past him and continue your way to marco, not looking back.

you finally found marco at a vending machine and when you both saw each other you smiled and wrapped him in a much needed hug.

"what are you doing? we have snacks in the apartment... if hitch doesn't eat them all." you said and he grabbed a bag of funyuns,

"i got tired of waiting for you." he said, opening it and popping one in his mouth.

"then don't get lost." you turn and start to make your way back to your room, and this made marco walk up to your side—still working on his funyuns.

"it's not my fault someone gave me bad directions." he said, and then you kicked him in the back of the high making him yelp.

"ow! that fucking hurt!" he said, glaring at you.

"good." you said with a smile, and then you finally made it to your hallway. but you started to walk slower when you noticed that guy, the one that almost ran into you earlier.

he was standing beside your neighbors door, which only means....

"ah shit." you mumbled under your breath,

when you and marco made it over to him, he looks up from his phone.

"well if it isn't my rude neighbor." he said, pushing himself against the wall so he could stand up straight.

"sorry about that, i was in a hurry. this weirdo got lost." you said, trying to hide the fact that you're actually just a bitch.

eren only nodded, staying quiet. he looked over at marco, and his eyes widened.

"marco?" he asked, and marco looked up from his phone and smiled.

"oh hey eren, y/n why didn't you tell me he was your neighbor?" marco said and you made a face,

"i just fucking met him." you said, and marco rolled his eyes.

"i'm going inside, good seeing you eren." marco said, walking past you and into your apartment. leaving you and eren alone.

"so, y/n right? i'll remember that." eren said, taking a hand out of his hoodie pocket and turning his doorknob.

"what's that supposed to mean?" you asked, and eren only smiled at you before disappearing into his apartment.

now you were alone.

"what the fuck was that-" you asked yourself, looking around before opening your door and slamming it.

"woah there." hitch said as marco sat on the couch,

"he's so infuriating." you said, pulling a water out of the fridge before going over to the couch and plopping down with your feet hanging off.

"who?" hitch asked, pausing netflix. this made marco groan.

"that eren douchebag." you said, crossing your arms.

"oh don't be dramatic, he barely spoke to you." marco said, and you glared at him.

"and? doesn't mean he didn't anger me." you said, looking back up at the ceiling.

"alright chill, what happened?" hitch asked,

"forget about it, i'm going to bed. i have a class early in the morning." you said sitting up, hitch mumbled an ok unpausing what her and marco were watching.

you walked into your newly decorated room, anime and band posters decorating the walls, and shut the door behind you.

you changed into something more comfortable and laid down, after scrolling through tiktok for a few minutes you grew tired and turned over.

a little after closing your eyes, you started to hear banging against your wall.

you instantly opened your eyes and sat up, "what the fuck is he-" and that's when you started to hear moaning.

"... oh hell no."

a/n: well that's the first chapter, it's agonizingly short. but the next one will be longer. hope you liked it!


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