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~ 2:00 PM~

It was last period. Finally. Eddie thought. school ends at 2:45. Eddie usually enjoyed learning but today he wanted to get out of that shit-hole as soon as possible. He couldn't wait to go over to richies. He's went over many times before, like rich said, Eddie practically lived there. But today Eddie felt happier then usual about it. He planned his outfit in his head. Green and black sweater with grey sweat pants. I think Richie will like tha- I mean I'll like it. Jesus u stupid brain stop making everything about Richie and his beautiful but stupid smile. Eddies thoughts stopped when Richie walked in, late as usual. "late again toizer. One more time and that's a detention." The teacher spoke. "yea yea I understand." Richie said with no emotion. Richie rlly had no care in what the teacher had to say, he just wanted to go to sleep. Eddie knew why he was late. Richie always smoked a cigarette right before last period. He never got caught and Eddie found that astonishing. Eddie doesn't like the smell of smoke, but on Richie he thinks it's cute.

*ringgg* the bell made a loud noise, and on top of that, all the 18 other kids in his class grabbing their books, slamming there chairs in, and running out of the class room like a heard of elephants. Eddie turned around and saw Richie with his head down behind him, sleeping. Eddie smiled softly before waking Richie up. "Chee, cmon wake up" Eddie said with a soft voice. "Don't u wanna get out of this prison?" Richie started rubbing his eyes and lifting his head up slowly like his head weighed 100 pounds. " Ok ok mom I'm getting up." Richie said then chucking when he realized it was Eddie standing in front of him in the empty classroom. Eddie grabbed Richies  hand and rushed out of the classroom and headed to the hallway where their lockers were. Richie then grabbed eddies other hand and stopped in the hallway facing Eddie making Eddie blush hard and look away. " I saw that." Richie said smirking while letting go of one of eddies hand , still a tight grip on the other one, and walking down the hall once again. " saw what?!" Eddie said defensively. " u blushed. I won't forget that." Richie said chuckling. " u better not tease me about that toizer." Eddie said blushing again. " oh trust me, it'll come up in Every conversation." Both boys laughed and rushed to their lockers. Once they finished grabbing their books, they sprinted to the door and hopped on there bikes. They both went home excited for there hang out tonight.

Richie checked the clock.

5:45 only?!! I've been laying here forever!! Cant time move faster or something?! Richie complained while laying on the floor. He was waiting to see the small boy. He missed Eddie. Richie saw the  adorable boy everyday at school and he was over at Richies about 5 times a week. Like he had said, Eddie practically lives there. He always missed eddie though, and whenever Richie wasnt with Eddie, Richie was miserable. Richie didn't know that Eddie felt the same about him. Richie then turned and looked at the clock again. 5:50- EDDIE WILL BE HERE IN TEN MINUETS!! Richie thought while smiling. Richie started overthinking- Eddies always on time. If his mom drops him off , which I doubt, he will be on time but maybe 1 or 2 minutes late. If he rides his bike ( which is what kids usually do in the 80s to get places) he'll be here early, about 5 minutes early if I had to make a guess. Maybe tonight's the night- I tell that boy that I lov- Richie stopped himself from finishing that thought when he heard the doorbell. Richie sprinted down the stairs yelling " I'm cominggg!" Richie then slowed down when he got to the bottom of the stairs, he didn't wanna seem desperate even though deep down, he rlly was. He was desperate to see the small adorable boy. What he didn't know is that Eddie was desperate to see Richie too.

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