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"EDDIE OH MY GOD!! PLEASE EDDIE CALM DOWN ITS OK ITS OK IM GONNA GET U TO A HOSPITAL!" Richie said kneeling down beside the small boy holding his arm while he was sobbing. It was bent out of place. Richie got up after trying to calm down Eddie and started pacing. He was thinking of the nearest hospital. Sonia didn't see that Eddie had gotten hit since she was driving full speed. She thought she hit Richie, and so she drove away. Eddie was still sobbing and he was breathing heavily. Richie grabbed the inhaler from his pocket since he always kept it on him when he was with Eddie. He even bought an extra one for Eddie incase he needs it. Richie knelt down beside Eddie once again: "Here Ed's..take a few puffs. It's all gonna be ok." Richie said softly as he brought the inhaler to Eddies mouth. Eddie took a few puffs and started to calm down. Richie wiped the tears off Eddies cheek and picked him up brides style. "Shit we didn't bring our bikes." Richie said sighing as he knew he was gonna have to walk to the hospital which he didn't really know the directions to. "Chee.. I-it's ok just bring me home ill be ok.." Eddie said as he got cut off by Richie. "NO!." Richie felt bad for raising his voice at the small boy. "I'm sorry Ed's. But look, you cant go back there. I'm not letting u go back there." Richie said placing Eddie down on the grass as his arms were getting tired. "But then where are we g-gonna go?" Eddie sniffled still in pain. "I know the perfect place."  Richie said as he gestured for Eddie to get up. Eddie just sat there as he knew he couldn't possibly get up. "rich I.."   "Right you cant get up. Well then, guess ur getting carried! Good practice for our wedding anyways." Richie said smiling picking Eddie up with all his strength and started to walk. Eddie was small and light but Richie was pretty weak strength wise. On the way to where Richie was taking Eddie, Eddie occasionally gave him small kisses. Richie blushed at every single one of them. "so rich.." "Yea eds?" "I heard u fighting with my mom.."      "oh yea.. sorry about that love"   "I actually found it pretty  amusing! I heard some of the stuff u said... ur "dirty" lips will be all over me again huh?" Eddie said smiling up at Richie and raising an eyebrow.  "Well I mean I was planning on it that's for sure." Richie said smirking. Eddie let out a small giggle. "Stop making me blush Ed's. It's annoying." Richie said smiling. "No can do trashmouth. It's my job." Eddie said kissing the tall boys cheek. "Well looky-looky Eddie spaghetti were here!" Richie said standing in front of stans house. They all used to be really good friends in middle school and they still talked occasionally. Richie ringed the door bell, then regretted it a second after he realized it's 3 in the morning. It took Eddie and Richie by suprise seeing that someone actually answered. Stan opened the door. He was rubbing his eyes. "toizer?! Eddie?!.. My guys!! Come in!" Stan said opening the door. When they got into the kitchen Richie sat Eddie on the table. "So why'd u guys come here at 3 in the morning?" Stan asked still tried. "You guys do know I need my 8 hours of sleep at the most!" He added. "Yea yea, 8 hours, sleep, whatever. Listen- Eddie got hit by a car." Richie said rubbing Eddies back. "A CAR?!" Stan said then realizing he said that almost loud enough for the whole town to hear. "Sorry... a car?!" He whisper-yelled. "You heard me. No time to explain though. I came here cause I know u have medical stuff. I think his arms broke." Richie said getting a glass of water for Eddie. "Well no shit his arms broke trashmouth, look at it! It's all bent and it looks like the bones put of place" Stanley said kinda grossed out by it. "Oh god ur grossed out by it? Really?! I mean come on, Eddie takes a broken arm better then u take.. well anything really." Richie said taking a sip of Eddies water. "GUYS! My arm fucking looks like it's gonna fall off, please, I need a cast or something and you guys jsut can't shut up can u?" Eddie said while he grabbed Richies hand. It was kinda an instinct now. "Sorry Ed's, ur right. Stan I think u have that cast in ur basement right?" Richie added rubbing Eddies thumb while his small hand was in his. "I probably do. Good thinking toizer, I'll go get it." Stan added walking down into the basement making sure to grab a flashlight. "You look adorable right now." Richie said to Eddie right when Stan walked away. Eddie leaned over and kissed Richie on the lips. It was a short kiss though, because as Stan walked through the door they quickly pulled away. Luckily Stan didn't see. They probably wouldn't ever tell him. They probably wouldn't ever tell anyone. To be honest, neither of them really had friends expect eachother.

Time passed and Eddie had a cast on his arm. It was feeling better already. Richie had grabbed Eddie and they left the house. Richie and Eddie were walking to richies. "So u can walk, huh?" Richie said locking his fingers with Eddies. "Welllll, I might've been able to walk the whole time and there could've been a slight chance that I wanted to get carried by you." Eddie said chuckling. "My poor, poor arms" Richie said shaking his head while smiling. "Oh come on Richard, you know you wanted to hold me." Eddie said smirking. "Possibly." Richie said putting an arm around Eddie. They reached richies house. His parents werent home so they didn't need to climb in through a window thank god. They walked into the house and ran up to richies room. They didn't plan on going to school tomorrow.

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