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Eddie woke up to the smell of pancakes. He looked in the mirror and he looked worse then ever. He cracked his neck and his eyes opened wide when he saw the hickeys on his neck. "Shit. I need concealer or something, richies parents are gonna be home today." Eddie mumbled under his breath. Richie came through the door and picked up Eddie bride style giving him a bunch of small kisses making Eddie giggle. "Goodmorning Eddie-spaghetti!" Richie said all smiley starting to walk down the stairs with Eddie in his hands. "Don't call me that!" Eddie said even though he was smiling. "Eddio-spaghettio?" Richie said pouting. "DONT U DARE." Eddie said laughing. "Ok ok... sweetheart?" Richie said kissing Eddies soft lips as he began to walk again. "Just this once." Eddie said while he swang his legs back and forth in richies arms. They got to the kitchen and Richie put Eddie down. "TA-DA!!" Richie said doing jazz hands. "DO U LIKE IT?! There jsut pancakes but it's an accomplishment you know! I barely make food, only microwaved Mac and cheese." Richie said rubbing the back of his neck. Eddie giggled and quickly sat down in his chair. "What are u doing?" Richie asked. "Taste test. Obviously." Eddie said while grabbing his fork. He stabbed the pancake and ate it. "Ok rich ur cooking breakfast everyday from now on." Eddie said taking another bite. "You like it?!" Richie said surprised sitting down with Eddie. "RICH THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING PANCAKE IVE EVER EATEN." Eddie said kissing richies cheek with a mouthful of pancakes. "Seems like u like the pancakes more then u like me." Richie chuckled. Eddie just nodded. After breakfast Richie and Eddie went upstairs. Richie was lying on his bed looking up at the ceiling throwing a random baseball he found in his room up in the air and then catching it.  Eddie was painting his nails with mrs.toizers nail polish. Richie turned to look at Eddie who had his tongue out slightly because he was concentrating. Richie found it adorable. He was bored so he crawled over on his bed to the closet and reached down grabbing a camera. He took a picture of Eddie who was still concentrating. Eddie death stared Richie when he heard the *click* of the camera. "Richie. ISTG U BETTER GET RID OF THAT PICTURE." Eddie said fanning his nails off. "never. U look too cute in this picture for me to get rid of it." Richie said grabbing a piece of tape and sticking the photo on his wall. "Perfecto" Richie said in a bad Spanish accent. "I would smother u in kisses right now if my nails weren't drying." Eddie said looking at his nails. "Dont u worry, once they're dry we're snuggling all day." Richie said getting up and looking through his closet for fun. "I was actually thinking.. what if we invite some of the losers to go out with us today? If u don't want to thats ok, cause I'm fine with cuddling  all day, but we haven't seen them since middle school and we're now in highschool: we needa all hang out again chee. They made us feel at home." Eddie said kinda quietly. Richie goes along with whatever Eddie says cause he doesn't ever wanna argue, and honestly he thinks it was a good idea. "Ur right Ed's. Let's get dressed! We can bike over to stans, and then bills. Maybe bevs if she's not at bens and mike if he's free." Richie said picking out a grey shirt and his kacky jean-shorts. Eddie put on his red shirt and his blue jeans. He grabbed his black Fanny pack and brushed his hands through his hair forgetting that his nails were wet. Eddie worried that he messed up his nails, quickly checking each nail. He noticed that they were dry and he quickly turned to Richie who was getting his converse on. "Hey richieeee.. my nails are dry- u know what that means!" Eddie said running over to Richie pushing him on the bed and kissing him all over. Richie was ticklish so he was laughing as eddie kept kissing him. Richie softly moaned then getting embarrassed. Eddie started laughing. "Oh so that's ur spot.. right Here huh?" Eddie said kissing richies neck in that same spot again making Richie moan soft again. Eddie chuckled as Richie blushed once again and Eddie got up. Eddie grabbed Richies hand. "Come on, we should get going." Eddie said smiling pulling Richie out of the room. Eddie put on his shoes as Richie opened the door for him. "Well cmon then, don't wanna be late, love!" Richie said in a terrible British accent directing Eddie out of the house. Richie placed Eddie in his bike basket because even though Eddies hand was out of the cast, it still hurt him.

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