chapter 4

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I go down stairs and sit on the couch

Me: I was 12 sitting in room we were told someone was coming to look for a daughter.

Flash back

Mrs.M: girls we have a someone who wants to adopt a daughter.

We smile

We all get ready

We all sit and look nice

The man comes in

The man comes in

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He looks at us

??: That one

He points to me

He points to me

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He walks over

??: Hi I'm Loki you are

Me:  I'm Skyler

He smiles

He signs the papers

Flash back over

Thor: loki

Me: you know him

Thor: my brother

I look down

Thor: what happened after

Flash back

Loki: so Skyler you want some food

I smile

He takes me for food and  other places

8 pm

We are at a building

Loki: I'm sorry

Me: why you made my day amazing I'm happy you're my new dad

A black van shows up two man get out loki hands me over they give him something and they put me in the back of the van.

Me: dad  what's going on?

Loki: I'm sorry sky

He walks away.

3 hours later

The van stops the doors open some one hits me with something I fall asleep.

I wake up in a chair

A guy walks in

Guy: hello

I look at him scared

Guy: if you listen to me then everything will be fine.

I just look at him.

Guy: get her to look good

They give me this to put on

They give me this to put on

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After that  man Walks in

??: I'm  Alexander Pierce this is Brock Rumlow and the winter soldier you guys will be training together.

They walk out

Pierce:  you look like your mother

Me: what

Pierce hand's me a piece of paper.

I open it
Flash back over

Bucky: I think you should go to bed

I nod

Bucky: you can sleep with me tonight

I smile

We go to his room

Bucky: I'm so happy your alive

I smile

He grabs my face and kisses me I pull back and smile we get in bed.

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