chapter 13

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??: Hey

I turn to see steve

Me: hey

Steve: do you trust me

Me: yes

He holds his hand out

I grab it

Steve go up stairs and change into something nice

I teleport up stairs

I get ready and walk down stairsI see steve

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I get ready and walk down stairs
I see steve

Bucky: where are you going

I grab steve's hand and we leave

He takes me to a restaurant and  we talk

1 hour later

We are back home now

Me: thanks for tonight

He smiles

??: Hey
I turn to see Bucky

Me: I'm hi

Steve I will let you talk

He smiles at me

Bucky: you want to dance

Me: um sure

After dancing

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After dancing

Bucky: I'm sorry

Me: don't be I get it you moved on honestly its kinda stupid of me to think that the thing we had in Hydra would actually be forever.

Bucky: sky

Me: I want you to be happy.

I hug him and walk inside.

I go to my room and get in the bath

I hear a knock on the door

Me: come in

Steve opens the y

Me: hey.

He smiles
And shuts the door.

Me: want to join
Steve: I don't think Bucky would like that

Me: well I'm pretty sure bucky has a girlfriend and that I don't care what he thinks

He gets in with me

He gets in with me

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1 hour later

We get out and dry off I lock my bedroom door.

And change into this

And change into this

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Me: want some wine

Steve smiles I snap my fingers

And wine is on my table I grab a glass and so does steve we go on my bed and drink wine and watch tv

And wine is on my table I grab a glass and so does steve we go on my bed and drink wine and watch tv

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After we drink I cuddle with Steve I look up at him

Me: thanks for a great birthday

He kisses my lips I kiss back we pull away and fall asleep together.

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