Chapter 6~

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Nat's Pov~
Well that was awkward said Steve to lighten the mood a bit, It didn't help though. Wanda was holding back her tears and you could tell she was upset that Y/N passed out on me and the rest of us were tired so we decided to head to bed. I asked Wand if she was Okay ? She said she was fine and was going to go to bed. I knew Y/N had upset her but she also upset Y/N by going through her mind without permission so I guess they were both even. I watched Wanda go up to her room and I tried to get Y/N to wake up but she was so drunk there was no way she was gonna wake up, I called Steve to help me bring her to her room. Then I tucked her in and went to my bed, I heard Wanda crying in her room so I went to check if everything was alright.

Wanda's Pov~
I ran to my room before anyone could notice I was crying, I was really upset that Y/N told everyone but I knew she was super drunk and couldn't remember anything in the morning. I just got into comfy clothes and sat beside my bed. I heard Nat come into my room and quickly wiped my tears so she wouldn't notice I was crying, she came and sat right next to me asking if I wanted to talk about it. I really didn't but I knew she wasn't gonna let go of it so I just told her that I only went through Y/N Mind because she was having a Nightmare and I wanted to help, Nat explained that Y/N has been through a lot of crazy crap and that she doesn't take Mind control or any type of control without consent. I told Nat I was sorry and tried to tell Y/N today but she just got super upset. Nat said that Y/N gets like that sometimes but she will shake it off. She also said that she thinks me and Y/N will become good friends once all this drama is over. I hope she is right.

*Next Morning*

Y/N Pov~
I woke up the next day with a major headache and no memory of what happened last night all I remember was passing out on Nat, I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to find some aspirin I was shocked to see none of the avengers in the kitchen at 10:30am I thought they must be in the training room and just let me sleep in. I got some aspirin and went to the fridge to get a water bottle then sat down at the table, I found a note that said the avengers had gone on a mission in Sokovia and that they would be back tonight and to to ask Jarvis for anything. I was confused on who Jarvis was so I decided to try and talk to him, Hello Jarvis ? *Hello Ms.Shaw what can I assist you with today* I jumped out of my seat pretty confused on why the air just talked. I asked Jarvis to explain what I was supposed to do while they were gone, He just said do as you wish. So I had a whole day to myself. this should be fun...

*Later that night*

Y/N Pov~
Hey Jarvis When do you think the teams gonna be back ? *I'm not sure I know an exact time Ms.Shaw but I predict they will be back in an hour or so* Alright thank you Jarvis ! *Your Welcome Ms.Shaw* I had been sitting in the living room all day doing nothing but watching movies and drawing, Jarvis was a big help around the house today and I enjoyed his company. A couple hours had passed and it was now 9:00pm I was tired but I wanted to wait until the avengers got home to fall asleep. I couldn't help myself though I was falling asleep, every blink getting heavier and harder to stay awake. I finally gave in and fell asleep.

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