Chapter I. Step One...

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As you step from the car and it's stale air, the fresh salt in the fresh morning air welcomes you home and a smile creeps across your lips... it's way too early for anyone with any sense to be up at this time, but as you look over at the door, the familiar door to your house, you see a familiar figure leaned up against the wall, huddled in his jacket and the smile breaks across your face as you drop your bags and run to your best friend, calling out his name, only to find out that he's completely dead on his feet, asleep... 

"Bobby?" You snicker uncontrollably at the all too remembered sight "Bobby," gently shaking his shoulder, you step back hurriedly when he wakes up in a startled state, half karate chops the air, and mutters as he tries in vain to wipe off the last dregs of sleep "Glad to see nothing's changed," you mutter to yourself as he wipes a fist over his left eye and he mutters out, still half smothered by a cover of sleep " 'm a—wake, wasn't slee-ping..." smirking at him, you chuckle "Yeahhhh, okay Robert, I'll believe that when pigs fly," he joins in with your laughter and pulls you in for a hug, you can almost see tears in his eyes "Missed you /Y, N/ I really really did miss you... did you miss me at all?" You pretend to think and playfully shake your head "No way, uh uh, not at all, no sir," he rolls his eyes playing along "Right... I'm totally hurt... how could you say that?" 

You send him a small smile "Okay. Okay, I missed you... a little, now stop pouting, you know that drives me crazy." 

He hugs you and there's that... feeling, that weird feeling you had since the day you met. 

"Ewwww, yuck, uhhhhh, stop hugging me, I don't want your boy germs to get all over me," you cover and shove him playfully away and he smirks and shoves you gently back, fondly "Well the same goes for you... ewww," he rolls his eyes "Girls are so gross..." 

"I'm glad you're home now, safe and sound where you belong... I swear /Y, N/ you belong with me," he'd been saying that since the day you met... some years ago, eight? Nine? Longer? You'd lost track since you left, a year ago. 

You kiss his cheek like usual, the sentiment the same as always, but — you can't help but wonder if you've maybe - sorta, no, yes, probably, maybe - okay, yes, fallen for your best friend. 

Oh hell no... it hits you like a ton of bricks when the realisation settles in, deep down with the fluttery feelings that explode in your stomach and chest as he wraps an arm over your shoulders in a way that brings you finally back home, because being with Bobby, being able to finally feel him beside you again is the best feeling. 

You walk inside just like that and you finally leave homesickness far behind as you glance at the brown haired boy beside you and smile like you just won the lottery, cause to you, nothing is better than being finally able to see Bobby Brown again, and that's worth more than a million bucks. It's priceless. 

You both start up like no time was lost between you both, both in the kitchen together, making brunch together, per usual, Bobby slicing the vegetables beside you as you whipped up the eggs and thinly sliced the green onions, chopping in synchronised time along with Bobby and your favourite song playing from the radio. 

And suddenly you had to admit... home was wherever Bobby was. 


Bobby had a girlfriend. And she wasn't you... 

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