Chapter II: The Difference

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"That Kung Fu you do... isn't that effective if I can just — sneak up on you like this." you say, sneaking close enough to Bobby that you can whisper in his ear, since he's soooooooo locked on to practicing his Karate... yeah, you know it's Karate, but there's something about the satisfaction you get when Bobby turns bright red that keeps you pretending you don't know the difference between Kung Fu and Karate, pretending you have no clue which he does. 

And not disappointed when Bobby turns bright red and swings around, toppling over, you laugh and help him up while a smirk plays across your lips and suddenly you realize that he's so close that if you pulled him an inch closer, you'd be kissing him, your best friend... 

"Bobby?" He stares at you and no answer comes and you lips are suddenly feeling dry, you press your tongue back against and run it gently over them to futilely give moisture to them, suddenly quite aware of how his eyes watch you. 

You hold the corner of your lip, biting down in an almost pout "You alright there Buddy?" You can feel his breath dusting your face and his hands gripping your waist, but he doesn't move in. 

"Bobby?" He mentally shakes himself "What? What, oh, sorry, was thinking about something," you snicker playfully "I could see that..."  

You hold his shoulders gently and cock your head to the side a little "What were you thinking about?" He hesitates and you can see an inner struggle on his face before "Just this," is said through a deep breath, almost inaudibly as he bends in and pulls you in for a kiss. You stop him immediately with two fingers to his lips, catching his chin, you sadly shake your head "Bobby," you feel yourself breath out, wondering if you actually said it or not, if you just mouthed the word. Suddenly everything doesn't feel real and your heart is beating in your ears "Just... no, Bobby you've got a girlfriend, and I I don't want you to mess that up for a chance you might not even have with me," you look into his determined face "So there's a chance with you?" That's when you realise that your best friend is hanging on your every word, looking hopefully for a loophole, his hands settle on your waist, kneeding your skin with his fingertips "We could be happy together /Y, N/ we could, if there's any chance for us," "There's no chance," you whisper, knowing every word of it is a painful lie "You're you and I'm me and and I would like to keep it that way Bobby... we're we are best friends and nothing more, you've got your girlfriend and I have a boyfriend... there's nothing between us, but air, Bobby, th—there won't ever be an 'Us' and the sooner — the sooner you come to that realization, you'll be happier... but there can't ever be anything else but friendship between us," and with your heart sinking, you walk away, watching him look lost and confused, dazed. 

You don't see Bobby for a few days and those days turn into weeks, because he's been avoiding you... your date to the Country Club Christmas Dance notices, because nothing really gets past the perceptive eyes of Jimmy.  

You're dreading your friend asking about it and he does, slowly whispering the question in your ear as you both dance, Jimmy, as always, the perfect gentleman "I couldn't help but notice you and Bobby aren't joined at the hip anymore? What happened? I thought you guys were destined to be together forever, I know you love him." The unhelpful but sincere admittance of that makes you sigh and nod at the floor "He's got a girlfriend," "That isn't you," "No shit Sherlock," you angrily grumble and instantly look upset and resentful towards yourself when you see Jimmy look sad and reproachful towards your comment "Sorry, sorry, I didn't..." he presses his fingers back against your lips and shakes his head gently "Don't apologise," theres something in his sideways smile which leaves you confused, and he's glancing over at Bobby with an undercover look, while Bobby is sending not so subtle looks at you and his fellow Cobra Kai. 

"So sorry about this," "About wha—," you feel Jimmy's lips brush yours and suddenly realise that he's trying to make Bobby jealous, and for some reason, you don't mind... it's either that you want Bobby to take offence and walk over or you just want to see the varied reactions. 

You don't mind kissing Jimmy because you know that whatever this is, it's only done to get Bobby's attention, because even when kissing Jimmy, you just feel like friends. like nothing else. 

Jimmy turns just ever so slightly so you can see Bobby glaring at you and the way he starts walking over. 

"Can I cut in?" He asks gruffly as you come up for air and smirk ever so slightly at him "Jealous?" Bobby's glare deepens "As if..." you chuckle and pat Jimmy's shoulder "Thanks buddy," "Any time, thanks for my first kiss," you laugh as he gets out of dodge, hightailing it over to the rest of the Cobras as you turn your attention to Bobby "So getting your attention nowadays is easy if I use Jimmy, right?" "Don't you — not here," he pulls you gently outside and grits his teeth "What the hell was that? Is there something between you and Jimmy?" "Yeah... he's a friend of mine, that's what... and I thought you were too, my best friend and maybe, maybe something more..." you muttered softly, watching his angry features change with realisation 

"Jimmy kissed you to get my attention, to get me jealous..." you roll your eyes "Oh no, he's madly in love with me, that's all," you smack his shoulder "WE ARE JUST FRIENDS! Of course that's all, Jimmy is a friend of mine and you — you're a a friend of mine too, my best friend and I - well aren't you going to kiss me?" 

"Bobby?" With his lips so close, you're interrupted by his girlfriend. 

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