Waterfalling for You Pt1

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AN/: This is a Saya/Tanya oneshot. This ended up being longer than I thought it would, so I'll be splitting it into two parts. Enjoy!


"Saya, can you help me find Doti? I've looked for her everywhere but none of my people seem to be around today. Now that I think about it, I didn't see them around yesterday either. Do you think that maybe Tagon has taken them? To punish me?" Tanya asked Saya. "Saya! I'm talking to you!" She shouted at him when he made no indication that he heard a word she said.

Saya had been unusually docile since they returned from the ceremony. He didn't look well on the way there either, but Tanya didn't have a chance to ask about his health back then. She figured Mubeak was taking care of whatever it was, so she left them to their silent conversation without worrying about anything except her speech, yet now she wondered if it may have had anything to do with her people.

Looking at Saya, he still didn't look like his usual charming self, even though they had spent every moment after the ceremony together.

"Saya? Is something wrong? You aren't acting...like yourself today."

"Are you really worried about me?"

"I'm worried, that my partner will let me down. I've been talking to you since we got back, but you haven't said a word."
He flinched as if she had stuck him.

"I see. I'll be fine. Actually...since I promised I wouldn't keep anything from you, I'll tell you: I took your people hostage two days ago," Saya said, he finally met her eye, but then he looked down again. This time he stared at her necklace, "I'm sorry. I needed to know what you were hiding from me. They are free now, and don't worry...I didn't harm them. I only intended on using them to get Mubeak to talk. I let them go after I asked them a couple of questions."

"You... What?"
Tanya was shocked. Saya had taken them hostage?

"So let me get this straight," Saya said, as he walked around the table to where Tanya stood. Suddenly she took a step back. Then another. He took notice of her every move and his brow furrowed. "The crush you had, that man who was executed that day in the marketplace...he really is still alive?"

Tanya swallowed thickly. Was that all he learnt?

She didn't answer him, but he recognized the confirmation in her eyes. Saya nodded and bit his cheek as her betrayal tore his heart open once again.

"Why didn't you tell me? Was there..." he snorted and smiled grimly, "was there perhaps some other reason you didn't want to tell me about him?" Saya baited her. He wished she would say it. Just say it. He wished she would tell him the truth. Didn't he have the right to know?

There was a knock at the door that interrupted them. Tanya took a visible deep breath of relief, while Saya held his breath stiffly and crossed his arms behind his back.

"Saya-nim? King Tagon wants to see you immediately. The king has a proposition for you." Daedae, Tagon's personal messenger said from the open door.

"Not now. Can't you see we're busy here?" Saya snapped at him. He watched Yangcha peep into the room from behind the messenger. Daedae bowed but he didn't leave.

"I'm afraid this matter is of great importance, your highness. It concerns the upcoming war."

Saya snorted. "I still don't care. Get out!"

"Saya-nim..." Daedae said, looking at the ground. If he returned empty handed...his head was sure to roll. "Saya-nim, your father, king Tagon, would like to title you the warlord of the army being exported for the upcoming war... But he doubts your ability and your loyalty to him, given your..." Daedae risked looking up at Tanya before he looked back down, "personal interests."

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