Waterfalling for You Pt2

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AN/: Part 2 of this Saya x Tanya oneshot.


"Why does this Deakan look like Inaishingi?"

"It's ingutu too, look at the purple blood!"

Saya had to think quickly on his feet. Should he pretend to be Eunseom? Then again what would that help? The features of his face were identical to Eunseom's but everything else was different; his skin, his hair, his clothes, his accent... God's help him!

"Hey? Hey!" Saya struggled to get the attention of the group of barbarians. They turned to him and immediately drew their spears and swords toward him. One was poking his neck almost hard enough to draw blood, but Saya didn't have time to be queasy. "Actually, whether you believe it or not, I'm not your enemy! I only snuck into your camp to talk to Eunseom. You would have killed me without question if I called for a peace meeting, wouldn't you?" Saya tried to reason. Some of them nodded their heads but the majority looked even more bloodthirsty.

"You attempt to decieve us by pretending not to mean us ill will, but if that is true then where is Inaishingi?" One asked. The group of barbarians yelled their affirmation to this seemingly damning evidence.

"I don't know! I only meant to meet him to ask him questions! Don't you think we look a lot alike? Don't you want to know why? That's why I'm here, dammit! I'm not an enemy! I just wanted to see the person Tanya loves so damn much!"

"You know Tanya?" One of them came forward. He gestured for the barbarians to ease their weapons, but not all of them did, including the big guy who Saya just knew was dying to skewer Saya's neck with his spear.

"Yes! She's my... She's my friend!" Saya latched onto the first thing that seemed likely to save him. "And you, I know you too! You're Dalsae aren't you? I know you don't know me, but I know you! You are Eunseom and Tanya's childhood friend!"

"That could be a lucky guess. You obviously know I'm Wahan, and I'm around their age. Why should I believe you mean us no harm even if you are a friend of Tanya's and Eunseom's? Friends betray each other everyday. Look at Ipsaeng. Mungtae. Teodae."

"Hey! I never really betrayed Eunseom! There were times where I thought about it..." the one Saya recognized as Ipsaeng said.

"Sateunik!" Saya said, hoping to appeal to the brotherhood Eunseom formed in the mines. "I already know how he died, and that you all wanted to kill him before Eunseom stopped you! I know other things as well, things I could have told the Deakan's but I didn't!"

"How does he know about Satenuik? Do you think he might be a slaver spy?"

"It makes sense! Thats why we found him sneaking around our camp!"

"No, no, no, no!" Saya refuted. He grit his teeth and squeeze shut his eyes as he tried to remember anything from Eunseom's childhood that would prove that he wasn't a spy, but instead was an ally of sorts. "You- You didn't want to play with with him! Eunseom! You were playing together with other children; racing straw hoops! Do you remember?" Saya pleaded. He looked directly at Dalsae who looked a little spooked.

"How could I have been a spy if I even know about things like that? Sure Tanya could have told me, but even if she did-which she didn't, wouldn't that mean that she trusts me that much? Even if someone tortured her, you know she would never tell anyone something like that!" Saya pleaded. Dalsae looked torn.

"I don't think we should kill him. At least until we know how he knows what he knows." Dalsae spoke up.

"We are all ally's here, but you are not from the Ago tribe so you do not know our religion and our laws." An elder chief of the Ago tribe said. He stepped forward and turned Saya's face over in his hands.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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