Breathe Forms

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( here I'll show the star breathes form and the ice breathe form)

Star breathe

Breath Of The Star

The Breath of the Stars is derived from the breath of the moon and a little by the breath of the sun. This Breath is meant for heavy blows and to inflict more damage in already existing ones and would focus alot on speed and focus. Failure with one of these would cause severe failure making this Breath very hard to master.

*First Form*
• Shooting Stars
- A extremely fast dash and slash on a specific point.

*Second Form*
• Nebula Rings
- A slash that aims in multiple directions where the user twists his body to protect themselves from incoming attacks/projectiles with seemingly diamond shaped white particals come from the trajectory of the the blade/weapon.

*Third Form*
•Celestial Path
- A straight strike through preferably the throat of the opponent giving high doses of light which are fairly unbearable by most demons causing unremoveable scaring if a demon manages to survive. This would actually kill them even if it's technically speaking not a actual neck chop.

*Fourth Form*
• Gazing Night of Shooting Stars
-Multiple hits in multiple areas of the body which would cause the bod of the opponent to be knocked back with light shining from the wounds which would do similar damage to the third form.

*Fifth Form ⭐*
•Enveloping Galaxy
- By focusing ones focus onto their location, The user would be able to violently drag any body toward the opponents area from within a 20 meter radius from the user for a very powerful single strike. As time goes on while using this technique, the final strike would get stronger and stronger but would cost the user their whole arm if used for too long forcing them to stop.

*Sixth Form*
•Heating Nova, Absolute Destruction
-A very destructive technique where the user release a strike from any direction pleased onto a body (living or not) which would release a aoe of starlight blowing and burning what ever is in a 20 meter radius from the opponent.

*Seventh Form*
•Blessful Gate to the Overwhelming Galaxy
-A merciful end with a quick cut which feels greatly warm and nice. Hardly even painful in any way.

*Eighth form*
•Hopeful Summit, Dwindling Future
- A jump then cut ability that allows the user to simultaneously cut multiple diffrent areas in one fatal swipe. This is anything but a merciful kill and would destroy the enemy inside out in a blaze of white holy flame. A very brutal way to die.

Ice breathe

Breath of the ice

*First Form*
• Sliding surface slash
-The user runs at the opponent and quickly slides down while also making a quick slash

*Second Form*
•Creeping cold
- A succsescion of increasingly stronger slash attacks.

*Third form*
•Northern light slashes
-The user flows from one stance to the Next While making slashes. The attack makes the usual visuals of fog appear to have the colors of the Northern lights.

*Fourth form*
• Icicle Thrust
- A followup / combo move. The user quickly thrusts their weapon into their enemy.

*Fifth form*
• masking snowfall
- The user uses their sword to Slash the ground in a circular motion, thus making a cloud of dust and earth. The user then uses the cloud to escape, reposition or attack.

*Sixth form*
•Hail storm
- While the user is above their Target, they make rapid thrusts.

*Seventh form*
• Blizzard
- The user spins around in a whirlwind like fashion while making slashes.

*Eighth form*
• Rising winter whirlwind
- The user jumps into the air, while spinning their sword. This form is meant to deal with higher/ aerial targets.

The form has an alternate horizontal version. This attack makes the user seem like he's in the middle of a white whirlwind.

*9th form*
•Execution avalanche
- A decisive Slash usually performed while the user is above their target. This is the attack with the most raw power behind it

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