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(y/n) woke up seeing nobody beside her. She then realize what happen.

" wait.. Where is (b/n)?! Tanjiro?! Mitsuri?! Muichiro?! And the other two?!..". She then panic.

" Oh! (y/n)-san?!.."

She then turn her head and saw Aoi.

" Aoi! Aoi where are the others?!..."


she then tilt her head telling her that she was confused of what's happening.

" wha-.. " she got cut out from Aoi hug.


Aoi hugged her tightly crying. As one of the kakushi came in.


Aoi apologised. While the kakushi yelled down the hall.


Every one came in with a worried face even the trios.

" (y/n)-sam-.." as Tanjiro got cut by (y/n).

" just call me like normal Tanjiro-san ". she smiled then look at Giyuu and Iguro.

" you both ok?.." she asked them.

" I'm gl- glade your awake..". Iguro looked away with a red face.

" when your all heal up we'll go to the (f/S) ( favourite shop ) shop that you liked so much.. ".

Everyone looked at him in shock.

Iguro took her hand. " ill go too.." he said shyly.

(y/n) chuckled. Tanjiro then gets called out on a mission and soon left with only Giyuu, Obanai and Aoi.

" I'll be doing my chores now.. Bye (y/n)-sama bye Tomioka-sama and Obanai-sama..". She waved and left them three in the room where (y/n) was resting.

As soon as the door slide shut Giyuu took something out from his pocket.

Iguro did the same. And then they both gave (y/n) a present.

(y/n)'s eyes widen.

" we- are both sorry for leaving you that day..".

As (y/n) took there presents she then look at them both.

" you can open it..". Said Giyuu with a small smile on his face.

She opened both of them and saw a necklace in Giyuu's present and a hair pin with a tiny cat design on it with (y/n)'s favourite (f/c).

She smiled and then lean towards both of them giving them a kiss on the cheek.

Suddenly (b/n) came in. And she just came back from her mission.

" (Y/N)!!!!!!!..". She hugged her friend tighly.

" eh?.. When was this on you?..". She asked pointing at her necklace.

" Oh! This is a present from Tomioka-san!..". She chuckled while blushing a bit.

Then (b/n) glares at Giyuu. Giyuu sweat dropped.

" and when did you got this pin?..".

Then (y/n) pointed at Iguro.

" I- iguro-san- pfft- ". She was holding her laughter because of her overprotective friend.

They all chit-chat a bit until all of them had missions to go to.

Soon (y/n) realised that she was alone again. Then she just rest her head on the pillow and watch the wall when her eyes slowly closing and then before she knew it she was asleep.

Letting her worries go when she woke up in a dream that made her remember her mom's word in her head when she was sleeping.

✰ >> End of chapter << ✰


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