Characters & Info

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-Illumine/Nightmare (Now part hate, now acts like an dumb uncle)
-Regal (Formerly nicknamed 'Royal')
-Stamp/Ink (now Illumines secretary)
-Blaze/Dream (now part 'love', and not that much of a nice guy)
-Exe/Killer (Formerly 'Execute', )
-Falsity/Al/Error (he's part Fell & he's narcissistic)
-Crypt/Cross (a forced guard)
-Fable/Color (a half-forced guard/Blaze's side)
-Empty/Love (this is the Love that got all their power drained by Blaze :( she's just a husk now)
-'Flint'/Hate (aka the Hate that Illumine 'murdered'/took magic from, he turned into a weak-as-heck magic-ghost-thing/now alive)

-Okay so the villain of this AU is technically both sides- 😂

-Because fate it's Illumine, and Blaze is a bish to AU's with positive energies.

-The desc basically explains most of it. ;-;
(But there are some parts left out.)


*Okay so who works for who....

Illumine: (WW!/Wretched (tReE) Wings)
-Stamp (Secretary)
-Regal (Assistant)
-Flint (a ghost that haunts them for fun)

Blaze: (TS!/The Stellars)
-Falsity/Al (Personal Assistant)
-Exe (a manager idk)
-Fable (Guard)
-Crypt (slAve Guard)
-Empty (basically a slave)

Facts/Scattered plot points:
*both of these groups are bad/good Aka neutral. But Blaze is more good cause people like him, and Illumine doesn't get that. ;-;

*Blaze is has a temper.

*Illumine is pretty careless.

*The brothers mostly do not like each other, literally just a pinch of love is left. ._.

*Oscillate! (A different multiverse) & Synthesis! are technically related because they grew up with each other at one point. They're was this doorway that led them to the other. But it ended cause all the events that went down so visits were very hard to do.

*Oscillate's! WC, and Illusion's group/IG! aren't allies with the peeps though. Cause when they are there, they are treated like unwanted family. That's the same with AR! And Cres's BG's. :/

*WC! and AR! are allies tho-

*The same goes with the NM groups. :D + Corruption! ;)

-Regal and Stamp joined Illumine because either to spite Blaze because the group died and was toxic, or they didn't like the fact he had to take positivity from people. And Illumine was surprisingly more nice and chill.

-Also they were probably manipulated to as well, and spelled. Because Illumine can mind manipulate/mess up people for a bit.

-Stamp has trust issues due to Blaze being a bish, and betraying them by hurting the AU's.

- This actually goes both ways for them & Blaze. Blaze was doing the last resort and they just ditched him for the evil guy wtf. Then again Stamp is not that reasonable when it comes to they're job so :(

-Falsity & Exe knew that Illumine was starting to get soft when everything was finished, and when he hired Regal & Stamp. Illumine had no idea what to do anymore, so he started not attacking. So the two left right when they heard Blaze's new power.

Synthesis! (An Undertale AU in which positivity is very scarce)Where stories live. Discover now