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Everyone has changed into their new outfits and Nesrin has a traditional witch dress on. Luckily her wand came with her when they woke up here. "Let's explore Narnia, hopefully we'll find Aslan." Peter says while taking the lead. They all follow.

After a while walking they hear some screams. They start running towards it and Susan holds her bow ready to shoot an arrow. Two men in a boat holding a dwarf probably ready to drown it. "Let go!" Susan screams. Nesrin immediately hears that that was the stupidest thing to say. The two men drop the dwarf.

Susan shoots an arrow at one of the two men trying to escape and both men fall in the water. Peter goes after the dwarf who's drowning and Edmund swims to get the boat. The three girls wait on the beach for them to come back. Peter lays the dwarf down on the sand and Lucy cuts off the robes.

The dwarf starts spitting out the water. "What did they want?" Susan asks. Edmund arrives again too.

"They're telmarines, that's what they do!" The dwarf hisses to them. Edmund seems confused.

"Telmarines? Here in Narnia?" Edmund asks, he sounds as confused as Nesrin looks.

"Where have you been the last centuries?" The dwarf asks for the first time looking up at them. "Oh no, no is it really you? The kings and queens of old?" The dwarf asks, he seems scared.

"Yes, High King Peter the magnificent." Peter says stretching his hand out to the dwarf.

"I think you could've left that last bit out." Susan says looking at Peter.

"Probably." The dwarf replies smiling which makes Nesrin laugh shortly drawing the dwarf's attention to her. "But if you're the kings and queens, then who is she?" He asks pointing at the young witch. "And why is she wearing a witch dre... oh no!" The dwarf says.

He looks from the siblings to Nesrin and back. "You are the one of the prophecy, this is impossible." The dwarf says.

"It's not, she can proof you she is a real witch." Peter says while looking at Nesrin. He gives the dwarf his sword.

"What, Peter what if she gets hurt?" Edmund asks worried.

"She won't, she knows four years worth of spells." Peter replies. "Right?" He asks worried now too.

"Ow don't back off, according to the prophecy she is advanced." The dwarf says. Advanced? Nesrin thinks. Snape's extra lessons, think of those...

The dwarf lifts its sword and attacks Nesrin but she had already grabbed her wand. "Expelliarmus!" She says pointing at the dwarf, the sword flies out of his hands to the ground. "Stupify!" Nesrin adds causing the dwarf to fly backwards and hit the ground.

"It's true! You guys are really the ones of the prophecy!" The dwarf shouts. Peter picks up his sword. That was stupid. Nesrin knows good as hell that every student in Hogwarts knows those exact spells but here she is the one who knows how to use them.

They all get into the boat with the dwarf. They roam over the rivers. "They're so still!" Lucy says looking at the trees up the cliffs.

"Their trees, what did you expect?" The dwarf asks.

"They used to dance once." Lucy replies.

"Yeah well, after you guys left, the telmarines came into Narnia, there happened a war. Everyone who survived hid, and the trees... they became such introverted things that no one has ever heard them again." Trumpkin the dwarf explains.

"We didn't want to leave you know, we didn't had a choice." Peter replies trying to defend himself.

"Doesn't matter anymore, does it?" Trumpkin asks.

"I don't understand, how could Aslan let this happen?" Lucy asks disappointed.

"Aslan? He left us close after you did!" Trumpkin replies. "I think Narnia is a much more dangerous land then you remember." He adds.

They finally arrive at another beach, this one has small stones everywhere. Lucy is the first one to leave the boat and walks upon a bear. "Hello there." She says in her soft voice. The bear looks up at Lucy. "Don't be scared we're friends." She says walking up to the bear.

"Your majesty? Stop!" Trumpkin tries but the bear starts running upon Lucy, she starts running away but trips and falls to the ground. Susan points her bow at the bear.

"Stop it or I'll shoot!" She screams but the bear doesn't hesitate. His claw almost reaches Lucy when Nesrin gets her wand.

"Paralitis!" She screams causing the bear to fall to the ground not able to move. Everyone runs up to Lucy and they look at the paralyzed bear.

"Thank you." Lucy says softly. "Is he dead?" She adds looking sad at the animal that could've just killed her.

"No, just down for some hours." Nesrin replies.

"I don't understand why didn't he stop?" Susan asks.

"If you get treated like a stupid beast, that's what you become." Trumpkin replies. They start walking into the forest away from the bear.

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